Climate Action and Life Below Wate

Author: Mohit Verma

Clean and well-maintained water bodies are necessary for our existence. The world’s oceans and seas; their currents, temperature, life and chemistry, drive global systems that create earth habitable for humankind. Yet, we have managed to do immense damage to these precious resources. It’s vital to protect the life below the water by eliminating pollution and overfishing and instantly begin to supervise and protect marine life around the world responsibly.

All the Challenges Faced

Humans are a land dwelling species, but we largely depend on oceans more than we can imagine. Water bodies cover about three quarters of the earth’s surface, contain 97% of the earth’s water and constitute 99% of the living space on the planet in terms of volume. Oceans also absorb at least 40% of the carbon dioxide generated by humans, diminishing the effect of global warming.

Moreover, 40% of the oceans are primarily affected by human activities, including pollution, depleted fisheries, and loss of coastal habitats. Unsupervised fishing is also contributing to the quick depletion of numerous fish species and is preventing efforts to protect and restore global fisheries.

Why is this Necessary?

Coastal and marine resources offer trillions to the global economy each year, but it’s only a tiny part of why they are so important and necessary to our planet. All our drinking water, rain water, climate, weather, coastlines, a lot of food items, and even the oxygen in the atmosphere we breathe, are all eventually offered and regulated by the sea.

Even in history, seas and oceans have been crucial conduits for transportation and trade. In conclusion, careful management of this necessary global resource is a prime aspect of a sustainable life.

How to Handle these Issues?

Numerous organizations like SDGCC commit people and communities to unite over what is a truly global responsibility, the protection of our seas, oceans and the lives that rely on it. We should aim to achieve the sustainable management of marine ecosystems, and in the next five years, significantly decrease marine pollution of all types. It needs certain scientific partnership, regulation of fishing and harvesting, and improve our knowledge and research on issues vital for the survival of life below water.

Set Goals & Targets

Everyone can participate in helping to ensure that we meet the global goals and targets. Employ some of these targets to take action to conserve and sustainably utilize the oceans:

Decrease Marine Pollution: By 2025, prevent and notably decrease marine pollution of all types, particularly from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution.

Minimize Ocean Acidification: Reduce and address the effects of ocean acidification, such as through improved scientific cooperation at all levels.

Protect & Reinstate Ecosystems: In 2020, sustainably manage and protect marine and coastal ecosystems to avoid massive adverse effects, including strengthening their resilience, and take the right action for their restoration to acquire healthy and effective oceans.

Sustainable Fishing: By 2021, effectively regulate harvesting and stop overfishing, illegal unreported and unsupervised fishing and destruction fishing. It is vital to implement science-based management plans to restore fish stocks in the small time frame, at least to levels that can generate maximum sustainable yield like decided by their biological characteristics.

Preserve Coastal & Marine Areas: In 2021, conserve at least 10% of coastal and marine areas, accordant with national and international lade based on the best available scientific information.

Implement & Apply International Sea Law: Improve the conservation and sustainable utilization of oceans and their resources by implementing international law as considered in the United Nations Convention of the law of the sea. It offers the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable utilization of oceans and their resources.

Stop Subsidies Leading to Overfishing: Prohibit some types of fisheries subsidies which lead to overcapacity and overfishing. Try to reduce subsidies that lead to illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing and avoid from introducing new such subsidies, identifying that appropriate and effective special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries must be a vital part of the world trade organization fisheries subsidies negotiation.

Expand the Economic Perks from Sustainable Utilization of Marine Resources: By 2030, maximize the economic perks to small island developing states and least developed countries from the sustainable utilization of marine resources, like sustainable management of aquaculture, tourism, and fisheries.

Get Started

With the right efforts and measures, we can successfully conserve life below water. Find ways and join organizations to contribute to this cause as a small deed can change the world and our life on earth. Know useful tips and take actions to make a difference for life underwater. If you’re looking for such organizations, you can get in touch with experts at Sdgccand know more about the above mentioned goals and targets.