How does crypto trading bots for exchanges platform work?- A look at next-gen tech!

Author: Katrin Kunze

Digital evolution has paved the way for innovative technologies. Cryptocurrency is the digital currency that acts as a medium of exchange across the globe without intermediaries or government intervention. Every novice crypto investor has to purchase their crypto coins from the exchange platforms. The professional crypto investors are delightful in trading their digital currencies to make profits.

However, as the exchange platform is open for millions of users, the transaction happens in micro to mini seconds, which is highly impossible for humanity. Hence, professional crypto-traders employ crypto trading bots to make lucrative benefits.

In this blog, let’s explore crypto trading bots and how to build them for exchanges!

An intro to crypto trading bots!

Cryptocurrency trading bots are protocols that are integrated with user’s exchange accounts to manage and perform trade deals. The bots can compare across the exchange platforms and notify the users of lucrative trade deals. Crypto trading bots can be employed only with high power computers. Arbitrage Crypto trading bots are most popular in the market space.

Why the crypto traders require bots?
  • The crypto market is highly volatile,
  • Bots monitor the exchange round the clock whereas crypto traders can’t,
  • Bots can perform repeated, scheduled tasks,
  • Bots can simplify complex tasks.
How to does a crypto trading bot for the exchange platform work?

To employ a crypto trading bot, all you have to do is integrating your exchange account!

Crypto trading bots opts for authorization of exchange account information through API keys. The Crypto exchange wallet app comprises API public and API private keys. When the bot enters the exchange with these API keys, it allows the software to perform trades and access account information. However, none of the crypto trading bots request users to withdraw money from their exchange account!

How do Crypto Trading Bots work?

They operate on 3 phases, namely: Signal generation, Risk Allocation, and Execution.

  1. During signal generation, the trading bot formulates an algorithmic recommendation to purchase or sell cryptos or related assets. They help in identifying trading opportunities.
  1. Risk allocations aid in determining the capital investment threshold for the trade opportunity identified. Depending on user preferences, they help mitigate losses and risks.
  1. Execution relates to the actual deployment of the ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ order into the market. Often, they are timing-based owing to the volatility of the crypto market.

Different crypto trading bots adopt different trading algorithms and thus operate differently providing an edge to the trader.

Why are Bots considered?

Trading is impacted by a variety of factors that have the potential to improve a below-par proposition and mitigate a promising one. Here are some of the reasons why bots are preferred over humans.

  1. Crypto bots possess the potential to execute hundreds of order placement within minutes. Such speeds are impossible to achieve by humans.
  1. Crypto trading bots can facilitate trading around the clock, which means seamless, break-free trading at all times.
  1. Humans are unable to process great amounts of data, process the information, and exercise precise decision making. Bots perform all the above with ease.
  1. Trading Bots are not influenced by emotions, unlike their human counterparts. This ensures error-free and unbiased trading, with only the core idea of improving profits.
When to use cryptocurrency trading bots?

Crypto trading bots can perform a lot of tasks for you in the exchange accounts like rebalancing, managing portfolio, smart trades, monitoring the exchange prince ranges. When it comes to setting the protocols of the trading bot, you must know when to use them and what are the tasks to be automated. Here’s the look around on the scenarios at which you must employ crypto trading bots!

Repeated tasks and schedules

Repetitive admin tasks like rebalances and other specific processes can be automated with trading bots. You can manually set alarms and rebalance your crypto portfolios every hour. But, in the busy schedules and office meetings, it is viable to lose rebalances in your crypto portfolio. Hence, you can employ crypto trading bots to automate the repetitive tasks in the exchange platforms.

Appropriate timing

Crypto market space is volatile and experiences price volatility for every second. Before concluding the desired profit rates, the crypto market may change. Hence, employing trading bots for completing swift deals without any losses can be appreciable. Monitoring multiple crypto exchanges and closing the deals at the appropriate time can be tedious for human, but it’s compelling in case of bots.

Wrapping up!

While choosing the crypto trading bots, it’s your duty to audit these bots and their security aspects! You can also rely on crypto trading bot development companies to audit or develop the software for your requirements. To know more about crypto and blockchain space, stay connected with us!