Can You Spot These Branding Essentials In Your Custom Logo Design?

Author: Jacob's Post

Can You Spot These Branding Essentials In Your Custom Logo Design?

You wanted to become a known company like Fortune 500s and you invested in a custom logo design.

But is it really a profitable investment for you (or your company)? There are various ways to conclude if your branding plan took off with an excellent logo design and you’re on the right track to make progress. How? That’s what we’ve discussed in the post below so you can identify the key metrics if your logo has those essential aspects for winning customers.

Come, let’s explore these essentials of an accurate, professional logo design and see if your logo has them or not.


Every custom logo has, generally, two aspects i.e. Technical and Emotional.

Take it as a metric to conclude if your custom logo design is balanced or not. For example, if your logo has right color, right typography and, moreover, right concept these all make up the technical aspect of a logo design. Plus, you must also look if it is relatable with your audience, how they feel about your products or what they expect from you. These are the emotional metrics that you must look into your custom logo design for concluding if its perfectly balanced between these two metrics?


We’ve not discovered aliens yet and if we do, we’ll find a language they use to communicate with each other. In the same manner, we humans use some kind of language or symbols to express our ideas and thoughts, too. When having a custom logo design created by a professional logo designer, try not to complicate your logo with something un-understandable and keep it simple.


When you look at the logos of brands like Nike, Target and McDonald’s, you can always tell its their logo even when they don’t include a name in them.

This is the kind of qualities you must instill in your business logo so people can remember you even when you use an abstract logo (that doesn’t include a name). See, being memorable gives you an advantage when your customers ask for products similar to you and they specifically name your brand. This would help you in developing a positive impact on the market and they’ll be promoting you (passively, though).

Right Color Scheme

Ever read about the color psychology and how each hue impacts on our mind?

This is another important aspect that you must look into that professional logo design which would be the face of your company. Does it have the right color combination that goes with your audience’s mood? Or does it have that convincing effect on them with the color scheme you used in the font and the object incorporated in the custom logo design? This question can help you in having a perfect logo for your business.


Do you know that Coca Cola never changed its logo in decades? (okay fine, they made slight changes)

Another aspect of a perfect logo design is that it is timeless and never requires too much changes every 6 months. While selecting a custom logo design, you must see if it is timeless in every nature? Or would it fit in your promotional activities easily on every occasion to conclude if it is the right design?


There are trillions of logos out there and people sometimes confuse companies due to identical logos. Are you making the same mistake by having a similar design for your business logo or is it entirely a new concept? Well, do seek the uniqueness part in your custom logo design before you consider this task is completed.

We hope this would help you in concluding if you’re got the perfect custom logo design for your branding plans. Comment below and let us know if we missed any point that is helpful in reviewing the logo design.