Seeking Tariff Reduction or Big Discount in Ranthambore

Author: Uday Patel

Enthusiastic tourists on a wild holiday wish to stay for few days in the tiger reserve in India. Ranthambore is one of the best in terms of sighting and recreation. Being closer to New Delhi Capital City with International Airport is an added advantage. Thus it is also included in the popular Golden Triangle Packages as an extension.

Wildlife destinations in Rajasthan are limited hence there is a competition within. But most of the traffic is diverted to Ranthambore because of debacle at Sariska few year back and practically no possibility to tiger sightings at Mukundra Reserve because of some management issue. Hence the natural choice is to visit Ranthambore if you are not thinking of visiting reserves in Central India.

This leads to a rush quite often especially during the festivals and New Year. The weekends too are busy at the park sometimes full. Though accommodation is not a major problem getting safari permits is. The latter are limited and if you do not get permit in the core zone your only option will be the zones in the buffer which are not much promising.

Hence you can expect tariff reduction or discount only during the dull period which any case is reduced due to constant stream of visitors Indian and overseas.

You have several choices for accommodation hence if you are planning to visit the park in low budget it is better to seek a stay in budget properties. But these offer basic facilities and are ill equipped. You should contact the standard hotels in Ranthambore National Park. These are reasonably appointed and most ready to reduce their tariff. You should be able to bargain well.

The upper class or high end hotels rarely offer rate cut since they provide the best amenities and ambiance. If you are aiming for rate reduction in these properties you should be in a large group if so you will get rate benefits in all seasons. If not, approach the properties in off season whence they are most likely to reduce their tariff. But this is all since they do not bargain with singles or couples. Another way you can chip in the rates is by booking an extended stay.

But even this is not guaranteed. If you insist in staying the upend properties than inquire tariff of many properties and discover the lowest. The crux is though the properties may be of the same scale but some may not be doing well as far as occupancy is concerned and that puts them under pressure to accommodate you under a better deal. But here is a catch those with weak occupancy may be weak performers hence read the reviews very carefully before booking.

It is imperative to read reviews of all properties at a creditable website and if possible seek recommendations from those who have stayed at the property. Scrutiny of performance is a must else your experience will be nightmarish and the rate benefit will go down the drain. Then catch hold of a list of hotels in Ranthambore in order to select properties. Choose the best after evaluating the services and amenities before going for the reviews and testimonials. Finally discuss and avail further information as to what to expect. You can then travel in peace and enjoy the tiger reserve is less money.