The Value of Pomegranate Pulp

Author: Nachiket Joshi

Pomegranate is a fruit that has a rich source of vital nutrients, necessary to help in the functioning of the human body. The increasing awareness pertaining to the health benefits of Pomegranate, has led to an upsurge in the demand of the fruit. This antioxidant fruit is the oldest acknowledged fruit, and has its earliest origin in the land of Persia. Pomegranate is usually available from September until January and is widely produced in Afghanistan, South China and in Southeast Asia. Pomegranate Suppliers take particular care while delivering the fruit to the buyers, keeping in mind the buyer’s discretion and needs. The Suppliers of Pomegranate also sell the pulp of the fruit separately to be used in making beverages and in culinary cuisines.

Suppliers of Pomegranate Pulp

Pomegranate is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin K and contains folic acid, which if taken regularly helps in decreasing the risk of heart related disease and controls obesity. The universality of Pomegranate as a whole is giving way to the discovery of new and improved ways to extract Health Benefits from the fruit. Pomegranate Pulp is the inner part of Pomegranate that is extracted and sold separately. Pomegranate Pulp has many uses major of which is in the production of Pomegranate Juice and equivalent beverages. The Pulp of the Pomegranate contains flavonoids, which help in the regulation and functioning of the body. Pomegranate Pulp is also a rich source of fiber, because of which people have started to buy them separately and use them in culinary delicacies.

How is Pomegranate Pulp Delivered?

Pomegranate Pulp is extracted while deseeding the fruit. This pulp is then made to go through cleansing machines, which purify the pulp and compress it, so that is transitions into a scarlet colored liquid. This liquid is then packed in jars and bottles, and Supplied to the buyers in bulk, wholesale and final consumers. Every Country that engages in Supplying Pomegranate does it according to the needs of the buyers.

Countries That Supply Pomegranate Pulp

Kandahar, a region in Afghanistan is the major supplier of Pomegranate. Pomegranate is also cultivated throughout Middle East, South East Asia, and South of China. The climate to grow Pomegranate is comparatively drier as other fruits and requires abundant rain for the fruit to harvest.

In summation, Usually, Pomegranate is sold in its original state, without removing the peel and pulp. However, with the extensive use of Pulp in the culinary world, demand for the Pulp of Pomegranate to be sold separately has seen an upward trend. Pomegranate, as a rich source in antioxidants, is one of the most famous and widely supplied fruits among others, and is finding a variety of uses is different regions.