Ways in Which Artificial Intelligence Will Facilitate Decision-Making in Future Wars

Author: Fifty50 Official

To be precise, Artificial Intelligence is not a consumer and business-based technology. No doubt, companies use AI to make their daily routines easier. However, governments and militaries from across the world are increasingly taking a deep interest in the capabilities of AI.

This is the reason that there has been increasing funding in unearthing the capabilities of AI. Both AI and automation have shown positive results in supporting armed forces in their daily activities. But it remains to be seen how it can fetch positive results in real-world battlefields.

Geopolitical Rivalry and AI

The ever-changing nature of interstate conflict has made it imperative to opt for newer forms of technology. It is quite unlikely that future wars would be fought in real-time battlefields. Instead of open-armed warfare, future wars would be fought with computers and satellites.

Also, there is an increasing possibility that any kind of war fought in the near future would spill into the trade arena. So as you can see, conventional weapons cannot be used to fight these types of war. Militaries around the world are in need of sophisticated technology platforms which would help them to emerge victoriously.

What’s more, militaries around the world are already facing data overload with tons of sources of information. With AI, the prominent militaries around the world can revolutionize future warfare.

The Bigger Picture of AI in Warfare

The future of AI in defense is directly related to the ability of weapon systems designer to design autonomous systems. In the past few years, there has been a rapid increase to demonstrate the independent capacity for knowledge.

A majority of military UAVs also popularly known as drones rely on AI for their daily operation. With a high-level of autonomy, they don’t require human intervention at any stage of their operation. What’s more, crewless underwater vehicles are helping the navies of various countries to keep track of their adversaries.

Instead of conducting active recces with submarines, modern-day navies are using these unmanned underwater vehicles. Using these types of automated platforms also decreases the overall costs of a mission. Hence, there is no doubt that AI is making military forces across the world more agile.

AI and Its Ability of Reasoning

In future conflicts, it is AI that would provide military commanders with the right course of action. Being an automated platform, it facilitates uniform decision making across all the departments. Thus in the wake of conflicts all the battalions and their commanders would abide by the same decision.

With a uniform decision-making platform, armies of various countries can also conduct joint operations. Moreover, automated guidance systems on missiles and drones can deliver results with pinpoint accuracy.

Also, there is a positive impact on the rapid expansion of the commercial market on AI systems. That’s why a bulk of research work on AI is carried out by a joint partnership between the public and the private sectors. This speeds up the process of the development of AI weapons systems.

The Path Forward for AI Usage in the Defense Sector

From the points as mentioned above, it is evident that AI systems would replace conventional weapon systems in the future. Autonomous AI platforms come with a plethora of applications where they can reduce the workload on soldiers stationed in the frontiers. But the governments have to identify the potential areas in defense where the power of AI can be utilized.

The past few years have witnessed the rapid mobilization of funds related to research on AI. With coordination between various sectors, we can soon witness the capabilities of AI in future battlefields.