Why Chiropractic Care Is Sought For Treatment Of Car Accident Injuries

Author: Alban Steve

In a newly published report, The Insurance Research Council confirmed that every third American involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) sought help from a chiropractor specialist for treatment of whiplash injuries. The whiplash injuries obtained after an accident have strong tendency to go undiagnosed in most of the cases. The reason for the same is the time taken by most of the whiplash injuries to surface. Sometimes, you might suddenly experience stiffness or pain in neck weeks after an accident. While superficial injuries are mostly treated immediately, conventional health specialists don’t recommend any further investigation.

In case of a Chiropractor, the specialist is adept in investigation of injuries sustained in muscular-skeletal system. So, what does chiropractic care for whiplash injuries involve? Strains and sprains are the common injuries sustained during an accident. The doctors investigate any signs of these. Treatment of soft tissue injuries is where Chiropractors specialize and you’ll feel better within 2-3 sittings.

So, what is the priority list for which a chiropractor needs you to check for? There’re signs which an experienced practitioner observes in the first visit. Chiropractic treatment for whiplash injuries involves checking for - leg pain, lower back pain, stiffness or pain in neck region, swelling in any part of the body, dizziness, initial memory loss, recurring headaches, numbness or tingling sensation in legs or sciatica, ringing in the ears and other related symptoms. An aware person should definitely seek immediate assistance from a physician even when there’re no superficial injuries.

Don’t waste your time in making a quick appointment with the nearest chiropractor in the town. Let him go through initial investigation. After careful examination of above symptoms, he might recommend an MRI, Motion X-Ray or a CT scan if required. You can cross check the results with physician in case of any doubt. Now, many people who seek early treatment of whiplash injuries ask a common question, "How much time is it going to take?" Now, Chiropractic tradition is a non-invasive one and doesn’t use surgery or medicine as mode of treatment.

The treatment involves physical manipulation, deep tissue massage, electric stimulation, exercises, and other such modes. And time required for complete rehabilitation of affected muscle or bone might vary according to severity of the injury. Chronic pains and deep injuries might take more time to heal. Also, sometimes treatment depends upon other factors – age, gender, and other conditions. Every individual case is different and the time taken and approach taken might vary from person to person.

If you or your loved one has been recently involved in a car accident, don’t forget to make a quick appointment with your nearest chiropractor who specializes in treatment of whiplash injures!