What are the causes of brake failure in a BMW car?

Author: European Service Center

The braking system is one of the most essential parts of your BMW car. It absorbs the kinetic energy of your BMW and thus helps to decelerate the speed of your car. It converts the kinetic energy into thermal energy. BMW has been inventing and integrating cutting edge technologies to make its braking system more effective. The braking system is a crucial safety feature and failure of such a vital part could lead to a fatal accident. So, the condition of different components of the braking system should be inspected on a daily basis and malfunctions in those components should be repaired immediately.

Major components like master cylinder, brake rotor, brake drum, brake pads, brake calipers, brake pedals, brake line, and crucial components of the ABS module needs special attention to stay operational. Defective components need to be replaced as soon as possible. Brake fluid used in the braking system of your BMW should also be inspected. The presence of impurities in the brake fluid could make the braking system inefficient. So, inspect the quality of brake fluid and replace it if necessary.

Braking system failure in your BMW

The braking system, like other essential components of your BMW needs regular maintenance. Lack of maintenance could adversely affect its efficiency. Driving a vehicle with an unresponsive braking system could have a catastrophic outcome. Moreover, leakage of brake fluid, presence of impurities in the brake fluid, corrosion, rough driving habit, and faulty components could impair the braking system of your BMW. So, early warning signs of a failing braking system should not be overlooked. Detect and repair the faulty components to keep the braking system operational. Moreover, contaminated brake fluid should also be replaced. Let us discuss the factors responsible for brake failure in your BMW car.

Brake fluid contamination:

The primary job of the brake fluid is to amplify the braking force in your car. Thus, it makes the braking system of a vehicle more responsive. However, it is hygroscopic in nature and absorbs the water molecules from the environment. The presence of water molecules and other types of contaminants in the brake fluid could make the braking system of your BMW unresponsive. So, the quality of the brake fluid should be inspected regularly and contaminated brake fluid should be replaced immediately. Moreover, leakage of brake fluid due to the cracks in the brake line could also kill the brakes. So, cracks or leaks responsible for the seepage of brake fluid should be repaired in time.

Damaged components:

Damaged or rusty components could jeopardize the brake of your BMW. Corrosion could damage the important components of the braking system. Road salt, mud, and water molecule could harm the brake pads, brake rotors, brake calipers, and other exterior components of the braking system. So, efforts should be made to keep those components clean in order to avoid corrosion. Moreover, warning signs like the emergence of an unusual grinding sound while applying the brakes should not be overlooked. Replace the damaged and rusty components to keep the system operational.

Excessive hard braking:

The driving habit of a person could damage the brakes of a vehicle. The aggressive driving habit could also lead to a car accident. So, you should be very cautious and careful while driving a vehicle. If you apply the brakes while the vehicle is at its top speed, then it could damage the braking system of your BMW. So, you should avoid excessive hard braking while driving your vehicle at such a high speed. Moreover, if you hear a grinding or scraping sound while applying the brakes, then it shows that your brake pads are worn out and should be replaced as soon as possible. Worn out brake pads could make the braking system unresponsive. So, it is better to replace brake pads after a certain time interval.


Failure of the braking system while driving a car could lead to an accident. So, the emergence of different types of warning signs like unusual noises while applying the brakes should not be neglected. Defective components responsible for the emergence of such kinds of unusual noises should be repaired immediately. Moreover, check the quality and quantity of the brake fluid regularly. If the fluid is heavily contaminated, then replace it immediately.