Extracurricular Activities That Can Boost Your High School Profile

Author: Ambika Parashar

A good profile building always gives you an edge when applying for colleges. More than students with straight A’s and nothing else, colleges look for someone who can add value to their image, and the best way to know that is to look at a student’s profile and know what they have done other than studying.

So, building a good profile is essential in high school. One of the best ways to create a good profile is to participate in extracurricular activities. These activities have various advantages, they don’t just fill up your resume; they actually help you build important skills for life.

One thing that you need to keep in mind is that the number of activities does not matter as much as the depth and your reason for doing them does. Universities do not look for "all-rounders" per se, but people who have great passion and have the ability to make a change with that passion. In simple words, you do not have to participate in a lot of activities, but you have to be genuine with your purpose and way of doing it, and you need to learn from it. No activity is considered better than the other, but what matters is what role you played and what you gained from them.

So, the best option is to participate in things that you actually like to do. This will ensure constant participation, with which you will be able to develop multi-disciplinary learning in terms of leadership skills, teamwork, passion and more such qualities. Here are some extracurricular activities that can help boost your profile.

1. Student body

Being a part of the student body and playing the role of the head boy/ girl, house captain, cultural secretary, the president of a club, or something similar really enhances your leadership skills from a young age. They also show that you can be trusted with a responsibility and that you can handle a team. Being elected or appointed to take care of such responsibilities is the best way to demonstrate and enhance your ability to lead.

2. Sports

One of the most important qualities that colleges and even employers look for, is teamwork. Participation and achievements in sports show exactly that. They can prove that you can represent the college in competitions and tournaments, and add value to the college. Sports achievements can also get you scholarships and aid by various programmes. Other than that read interdisciplinary connection of sports with other subjects like physics, psychology etc. to enhance your sports related knowledge.

3. Community Service

It may not seem like a big deal, but your profile can really show if you are capable of making a change. Being a part of a community service or volunteering for a programme really shows that you care. Your reason for doing it, your purpose can leave a lasting impression and boost your profile a lot.

4. Courses and Workshops

Thirst for knowledge and experience is what makes people grow. Doing courses outside of your syllabus represents your curiosity and want to learn more. Other than that, they help you know about things outside of your knowledge, grow your perspective and become more creative. Seeing different things from different points of view can help you form informed opinions and let others gain the same knowledge. The type of courses you take up also to some extent represent the type of person you are and what kind of things interest you. Acadru gives way to a number of non-traditionally aligned courses for comprehensive learning and profile boost.

These are just a few out of the many activities that you can participate in to boost your profile. The only thing you need to remember is that you should do what you love – not something you "think" is intellectual, or something that everyone is doing, but something you love. It will bring out your true passion and help you with valuable experiences for life.