Various Uses Of Custom Pillow Boxes

Author: Maurice Valenzuela

In the packaging industry, all kinds of boxes are famous, but not many people opt for the most efficient yet cost-friendly boxes; Pillow Boxes. Pillow boxes are underrated, but they do have a lot of benefits, and there are so many versatile ways of usinglink text

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. Most people are perplexed with the name as well as the shape of the pillow boxes, and it this reason what keeps them from opting for pillow boxes.

How Is A Pillow Box Assembled?

A pillow box, when assembled, mimics the shape of a pillow. The sides come together, closing both the ends of the box, and the middle is raised just like a pillow. The product or item rests snugly in the middle. The space in the middle depends on the size of the box, but you can easily add chocolates, watches, cards, etc. to the pillow box and make it look presentable and unique.

Pillow boxes are pretty sturdy and durable as they are made from cardboard, Kraft, and textured stock. These are the topmost materials that can be used to shape into a pillowcase to create the perfect pillow box.

Apparel Packaging:

Cardboard boxes of all kinds are pretty common in the apparel industry, which means that the use of pillow boxes is also pretty common in the clothing industry. Did you know that the clothing industry is on top of the list when it comes to landfills and poor sustainability? Well, you can redefine your brand values and go green but choose sustainable packaging over others.

Food Industry:

Food is something we can’t live without, and we are talking about takeaways and junks that we consume all day long. Again, good packaging implies quality and freshness.


Cute accessories deserve cute custom retail boxes, and what better option is there than pillow boxes. Pillow boxes are highly aesthetic, they give a professional look to your product, and they are also popular with kids. Small and delicate jewelry pieces, headphones, clips, and bands look great in exciting pillow boxes.

Wedding Invitations:

Everyone wants a different wedding, but most people ignore the cards and use the same old designs. Well, we believe it’s all in the details. If you are looking to add unique detailing to your wedding and woo people away with your creativity, use pillow boxes as your wedding invites. You can have your formally printing card encased inside the pillow box and send it out. It’s not unheard of, but it’s still a very fresh idea that will surely impress many people.

Get the bride’s and groom’s name printed on your pillow box, and the rest of the information can go on the card inside. You can also incorporate a ribbon to add elegance to add a more elegant look to the packaging. This type of card is also environmental-friendly as compared to other kinds of cards.