3 Reasons Why Environmental Conservation is So Important

Author: Varun Shanbhag

Being one of the best environmental NGO in Ahmedabad, we are dedicated to doing our bit to our natural world. Our Fell End Nature Reserve provides a habitat to numerous protected species of fauna and flora, in addition to a calm location for people to come and perform some wildlife viewing.

But why exactly is it important to perform conservation work and safeguard our natural universe? We thought we would talk you through a few reason why it is so important not just for us but for everyone!

1. To safeguard wildlife

Assessing wildlife and maintaining it for future generations also usually means the critters we love do not turn into a distant memory.

Some species can't survive out their natural habitat with no human intervention like in zoos and aquariums. Therefore that the destruction of the natural habitats poses a true threat to their own survival. Moreover, species which migrate and occupy more than one natural habitat will also be vulnerable. Therefore that the preservation of those habitats helps to protect against the whole ecosystem being damaged.

As an increasing number of species face extinction, the job being done to safeguard the wildlife that calls this world house is getting increasingly more significant.

2. For protection of the environment

It is no secret that the future of the world desperately has to be guarded, together with climate shift already wreak havoc in our natural surroundings.

Nature itself is the main tool in the struggle against global warming, and through conservation function, we could fully exploit character's contribution to the reduction action that's required to prevent a devastating increase in temperatures.

Everything from tropical woods to our shore is part to play in the struggle against climate change, in addition to protecting our communities. We Strongly suggest you guys to stop using single use plastic & opt for eco bags.

3. For individual health

One quite major reason behind conservation work that's talked about a bit less frequently is the effect it has on human health. Both with regard to preventing the development of new diseases, as well as the creation of medications that we rely on.

Possessing wild habitats for creatures serves as an obstruction. It averts emerging infectious diseases by jumping from animals to people. Previously undisturbed habitats are cleared to make way for agriculture and humans. This has attracted wild and domestic creatures together and helped facilitate the leap of diseases to people.

One such instance is that the Ebola outbreak. It's thought that it probably spread to people from bats.

A good deal of the medications we use as people can also be derived from substances that are made by plants or animals. Therefore by protecting nature we additionally shield the lifesaving medications we rely on, for example anti-cancer medications.

It's in our best interests to keep the natural universe as far as we could. The manipulation of this natural world threatens our ability to give water and food for those in the world. And things such as pollution are harmful to human health.