Use Free Character Counter Tool For Accurate Character Counting

Author: Rewriter Tools

To compose a beautiful piece of writing, you need to be aware of numerous aspects. Many of which might seem trivial, but these little things can greatly influence your work. There are some rules that we maintain to control the flow of our writing. And one of the aspects of writing that might seem insignificant, but is very much relevant is character counting. In writing composition, essay, stories, poetry, etc. you will have to compose within a certain limit of words and characters.

But, manually character counting is not an enjoyable task. Thus, we can use tools such as Free Character Counter to count characters in our writing.

What is character counting?

Character counting is like word counting. But whereas in word counting you only have to count words, in character counting, you have to count alphabets, punctuations, white spaces, special characters, etc. So if word counting seems tough, then character counting is super-tough.

Why character counting is necessary?

Everything has a rhythm. Similarly, to put rhythm in writing, we need to control the words, sentences, and most of all, our thoughts. Suppose, you have to compose some poetry. And we all know the importance of the flow of rhythm in an art that is poetry. You couldn’t write ten words in the first line, and then twenty-something in the next line. The flow of reciting would be ruined if you do something like this.

Similarly, in other writings such as essays, articles, compositions, you have to remind yourself that the music of writing should not sound conflicted. And the weapon to command the flow over your writing is character counting. The Free Character Counter tool can help you to count characters accurately.

Importance of Free Character Counter Tool

Here are a few reasons why we should count the characters and words in your compositions –

For effectiveness – When we have a pen and paper in our hands, we write our hearts out. This may be good when we compose personal work, but in professional work, we need to aim for the effect our work must have on the readers. This means, writing precisely, and carefully. Writing is an art that you must master if you want to sway your audience. And that art requires good control of characters.

Shaping thoughts – Same as ‘drawing inside the line’, we must learn how to write inside certain limits. Whenever your characters exceed the mark, recheck, and think of something that will express your thoughts more articulately with fewer words or characters.

Captivating readers – We don’t like to read articles that have no rhythm, lack crisps, and exceed in boring lines. As a writer, you must take care of these things in your writing. And counting characters with Free Character Counter tool helps you greatly in being precise and ultimately, you keep your readers interested in your composition till the end.

What is the Free Character Counter tool?

As the name suggests, the Free Character Counter Tool is an online tool that lets you count the characters in your documents. You can use this tool whenever you want and as many times as you need. This tool is a free tool that along with counting characters, also counts the words faultlessly. So, you can check the number of characters and words at the same time by using the free character counter service. The tool works very fast, that means, you can count the characters of even your largest documents in just a few moments.