How to keep your malt extract fresh?

Author: Mahalaxmi Maltextract

What is an Extract?

Extract, it is the malt that has been run through our mill and mashed. The wort is then separated from the grain and transferred into a brew kettle to be boiled before being sent to a dryer or evaporator. Wort that is run through the dryer is converted into Dry Malt Extract (DME), and liquid wort that is sent to the evaporator is concentrated to 80% solids to create a Liquid Malt Extract (LME). So in brief, we’ve done all the mashing and steeping work for you to save you time and energy on brew day. Now you have to focus on how to store this malt extract.

It’s normal to have a surplus of homebrew ingredients, but, with a few simple precautions, you can make the ingredients last for long. Because when improperly stored, any malt extract will experience degradation of flavor and aroma may it be LME, DME or Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract.

Ideally, malted grains, like Barley Malt, will be stored uncrushed, in a cool environment (below 90°F) with little to no moisture. As moisture has the most impact on malt when stored for extended periods, it's better to use a container that is airtight and placed in a low-humidity location. Vacuum sealing is one of the great options. Under these favorable conditions, malt can be stable for around 18 months, though the sooner you use it the better. If your grains are crushed, store as you would whole malt, but expect degradation to occur after about six months of storage under ideal conditions.


Liquid malt extract (LME) can last up to at least two years on shelves when held under proper conditions. If you purchase an LME and do not intend on using it right away, a better and a safe option is to place it in your freezer. This will keep the integrity of the malt extract without changes in flavor or color. Similar to grains, the key to flavor and aroma stability in storage is selecting a cool, dark location with minimal humidity. Malt Extract Liquid is easy to store as long as it is in the original can. Most cans/containers have an expiration date that helps you know when it is getting old.

Liquid malt syrup that has been opened, has comparatively shorter shelf life. It must be used in less than 3 months, or else the syrup will degrade or even start to grow mold. If you have malt syrup in this form, the best way to store it is in the fridge. Pick the smallest possible container to eliminate airspace and to avoid oxidation. While the extremely high sugar content inhibits yeast activity and molding, over a three- to four-month time period the syrup will lose its freshness. If using a plastic bag, squeeze out as much of the air to prevent oxidation.


Dry malt extract (DME) will also benefit if stored in a cool (below 90°F), and dry location. As long as it is dry and sealed from oxygen, it can be used for upto about 1 year. However, because DME is hygroscopic, so it is quick to absorb any available moisture turning the powder into a sticky mess. That’s why it is even more important to prevent contact with humidity. A vacuum sealer can be particularly handy in ridding oxygen and keeping airtight.

DME can also be good for up to two years under ideal conditions, especially if unopened.

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