Why Customer Service Matters!

Author: Rupa Chaks

In today's intense competition. Customer service is more than important. It's the fuel that helps a business to survive in the competition. If you don't take customer service seriously, then you will struggle to survive. It's important, just like any other aspect of a business.

Now, this is never a one-time interaction of how you behave with a client or a customer. It's a long process. You need to make it a part of your business daily activities. In the long term, it will create a pathway of how people will see your business.

You don't take care of customers because ''to boost your sales.'' You aim to build long-lasting relationships with your customers. Of course, we must aim to attract more and more customers to our business. But taking care of the existing customers is equally important.

Thus, the same is going to be our topic for the day. Today, we are going to discuss why customer service is important and why you must take it seriously.

So, let's proceed:


Couldn't agree more! Your brand image means the overall reputation of your company. If you don't take customer service seriously. Then, it has the potential to destroy your brand image beyond repair. If you have a helpful attitude, you will be able to create a positive brand image.

In this journey, you will always have positive and negative customers. Positive customers are always good. But you will always have to attend the negative customers calmly.

In your organization, create a smooth communication strategy with customers. Respond to each one in-time. Handle the annoyed ones calmly. Each one in your organization must know the art to handle every customer.


Of course, we must focus on acquiring new customers for our business, but that does not mean we should forget the existing ones. Remember, customer retention is always cheaper than customer acquisition.

When you build a long-lasting relationships with your existing customers. It will not only help you get more customers. But it will help you with your overall business development.


Getting feedback from customers is very important. You must improve according to the feedback your business is getting. Otherwise, your business might collapse.

A recent study showed that almost 47 percent of people will vent out their anger on social media. And tell all their near and dead friends about their unpleasant experience. But the thing is, the other will not even do this, they just prefer to switch to the other one.

Thus, it is very important for businesses to monitor their customer service, otherwise, they might just end up losing their customers. Send your customer feedback forms, check out social media, etc. And you will know what is working for you and where you lack it.


People are always quick to make an assumption, whether they read any content on the web, the advertisement they see online, online reviews, etc. Seeing all these people are quick to make assumptions these days.

Thus, if you don't concentrate on providing excellent customer service, through a review, or through recommendation. People will know you don't value your customers. That is something you surely don't want. So, keep in mind your customers always represents your brand.

Also, taking care of the customers is the work of every person in the department. It's not the responsibility of the customer service team only.


This issue is faced by marketers nowadays. Because of the intense competition. They cannot keep customers. Think about it, sometimes we buy from Amazon, and the next time we end up buying from Flipkart, isn't it?

But one can quickly solve this issue by providing excellent customer service. This way your customers will stay by your side. And will not choose any other brand.

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