Top 7 cms platforms for amazing web development

Author: Shefali Basu

Gone are the days when coding and designing knowledge were a must to create a powerful website. The Content Management system has made website creation and management a piece of cake for you. At present, the CMS powers one-third of top rated 1 million websites worldwide, and its application is expected to multiply manifolds.

The prime reason behind the CMS’s growing popularity is the convenience offered for the website's management. Its fabulous drag and drop feature has helped users create millions of websites without learning the simple ABC of coding. Stunningly the CMS market has already crossed $36.57 billion in 2020 and is expected to cross a whopping $123.5 Billion by 2026.

A CMS development company can leverage this outstanding growth to a win-win for all. The availability of powerful open source CMS has led startups and SMEs to ensure a dazzling digital presence at an affordable cost.

But a pretty challenging aspect is there are multiple options available out there. Which one should you go for? Don't worry! This page will cover the following essential elements to help you find the best CMS for your firm.

  • What is a CMS?
  • Different types of CMS.
  • How to find the best CMS?
  • Top 5 CMS to choose for your project.

With no hither and thither, let's begin with the first query.

What is a CMS?

A CMS is a digital platform that allows the users to create, amend, modify, etc. a website with great convenience and simplicity. The graphic interface of the CMS allows the user to interact with the database of the site with great ease and convenience.

Management of a site without a CMS requires massive developers' knowledge and dedicated working hours. While having a CMS means the activity gets completed with much less time and effort. Have a look at the different CMS in use at present.


That was all about the concise definition of CMS. Let's move on to learning the different kinds of CMS available out there.

Different types of CMS

There are multiple ways in which the CMS gets classified. Based on the source and cost, a top CMS development company classifies it into the following three types:

  • Open-Source CMS: It has an open-source code that can be modified to suit your website needs. Open-source CMS is one of the most widely used CMS as it reduces expenses to a great extent. Famous examples of it include WordPress, Drupal, etc.
  • Proprietary CMS: You need to purchase this CMS to use it as it is another organization's personal property. It offers high security, and so it is preferred by multiple organizations. Famous examples of it include Sitecore, Pulse, etc.
  • SaaS CMS: Software as a service CMS is available to the users on paying a subscription fee. It comes with the added advantage of availability on the Cloud. So, it gets accessed from anywhere across the globe. Famous examples of it include,, etc.

Based on your budget and business needs, you can go for either of the above types. However, while finding the best fit, you need to focus on multiple aspects.

Here are essential things to consider while choosing a CMS

  • Drag and Drop feature: The CMS must allow easy creation and modification of the website's elements using the drag and drop feature. Having it is a boon for your content management process.
  • Simple to Design: The availability of multiple design templates to ensure the smooth designing of the website.
  • Support Extensions: Your business may require multiple features that are not available in the original CMS. The supporting extensions help in integrating all such features effectively.
  • SEO Friendly: SEO friendly URLS, tag, content, etc. are a must to ensure the remarkable digital presence of the business enterprise.
  • Mobile Responsive: Having a mobile responsive CMS ensures better UX as 60% of internet traffic comes from the mobile device and cannot get ignored for its stunning success.
  • Quick Customer Support: The CMS development company must offer you immediate customer support. Although they are relatively convenient to use, they are ultimately technical tools, and you may get stuck at some point requiring help from the experts.

More features like multilingual support, compatibility with emerging technologies, etc. play a crucial role while choosing the best CMS.

Top 5 CMS Platforms for Your Web Project

  1. WordPress

WordPress is one of the most preferred content management systems, holding a sensational 62% share of the web-based CMS market. It is powering nearly 34% of the web, which is a significantly high value for a single CMS to touch.

It comes with a powerful editor that helps you with filling the blanks of the website effectively. Easy registration and regular updates make it an outstanding choice for any web development.


  • It is an open-source CMS, which means saving on web development.
  • Suitable for multiple web developments, be it eCommerce, business store, registration platform, hotels, etc.
  • It comes with an emphatic block editor that ensures easy designing of the website.
  • Support thousands of themes and plugins that are a must to offer exclusive features to the website visitors.
  • You can conveniently hire web developers in India to develop your project using WordPress at an affordable rate.
  • An SEO friendly platform which allows you to ensure your high rank on the search engine results.


  • Effective management of security and a backup plan is not available.

Brands Using it: Sony Music, MTV News, Bata, etc.

Total number of websites: 27+ Million websites

  1. Drupal

Written in PHP language, Drupal is a reliable CMS for developing customized platforms. It gets utilized for a variety of other options besides content managing. Some of them include newsletters, podcasts, image galleries management, etc.


  • Drupal is an open-source platform available for use.
  • It is an excellent option for developing a highly customized website for the business firm.
  • Content management is pretty simple, owing to the greater flexibility offered by the platform.
  • Multiple plugins are available to use.
  • It comes with the added advantage of defined user permissions. It means you can define roles and responsibilities for different employees accessing the website.


  • The overall appearance of the website can be tricky to manage for the user.

Brands Using it: Tesla, Pinterest Newsroom, NBA, etc.

Total number of websites: 562+ Thousand websites

  1. Joomla

Joomla is considered an excellent choice for Content management systems that needs to handle custom post types. Stats indicate that Joomla alone holds for nearly 5% of the CMS market.

A striking feature available with Joomla is that it comes with multilingual support for the users. Thus, there's no need to add language-based plugins for reaching a greater audience with the website.


  • It is also an open-source CMS like the first two.
  • An ideal choice even for complicated websites.
  • A strong community of developers is available to resolve the development issues of Joomla.
  • It is a suitable option for eCommerce development.
  • You can install and run your website with a single click when using Joomla.
  • It comes with Multilingual support.


  • The option of extension is not as good as that in WordPress and other open sources CMS.

Brands Using it: IKEA, UNRIC (United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe), Holiday INN, etc.

Total number of websites: 1.5+ Million websites

  1. Magento

Available in both open-source and paid version, the Magento is an excellent choice for any content management related to eCommerce. The platform holds nearly 12% of the ecommerce market and is considered an ideal fit for both startups and big brands looking for eCommerce platforms.

Magento supports m-commerce, which is a significant aspect of any website. Producing mobile responsive websites, it ensures the digital platform looks decent on multiple screen sizes.


  • It offers both the open-source as well as the paid version.
  • Multiple payment gateways can be integrated into the platform to ensure a more incredible conversion of leads.
  • SSL certifications to provide a high level of security get secured when using Magento.
  • Magento is an SEO friendly platform for building ecommerce websites.
  • The latest version is compatible with emerging technologies of AI, ML, VR, etc.


  • Massive levels of customization are not possible with Magento.

Brands Using it: Ford, Nestle Nespresso, Jaguar, etc.

Total number of websites: 250+ Thousand websites

  1. Wix

Wix is among the fastest-growing CMS on the list. It has a soaring growth rate of 149% year-on-year. It is nearly impossible for other CMS to beat this value. Suitable for starters as well as experts, Wix is dominating the CMS market growth.

Like others on the list, Wix also produces mobile responsive websites to ensure the visitors find the website appealing irrespective of the screen size.


  • It offers you the drag and drops page builder that helps in designing the websites.
  • It comes with preloaded mobile-responsive templates that ease out the task of creating an elegant website.
  • The app market of WIX gets used to ensure the seamless integration of various plugins. Thus, the number of features gets effectively increased to help you develop a smooth functioning website.
  • The hosting at WIX servers offers good speed performance for the developed website.
  • Monthly plans are available to develop your website at a low budget. Furthermore, upgrade, and premium service is available for your needs.


  • When you opt for a monthly plan, your website will have advertisements on it.

Brands Using it: Victoria's Secret, Kel & Partners LLC, Jennifer Lopez, etc.

Total number of websites: 3.8+ Million websites

Over to You

That was all about the top CMS platforms that can be used for your project. You can choose any of them to ensure the smooth management of the website. The project parameters and budget will positively influence the ultimate choice.

A web development company in India can offer you the best CMS based on your project needs and compatibility. Remarkable Indian companies offer a free consultation that helps in having a straightforward discussion about the project.