Apple Preparing New 12.9-Inch iPad for Early 2015

Author: Melina Peters

As the month of August ends and 2014’s sunset is a few months away, Apple has great news for its avid fans. This was to be expected since last year there were several reports and rumors that the reputed phone manufacturer will be releasing a larger 12.9-inch iPad come early 2015. They are preparing to start the production of the largest iPad ever by early next year. Currently, Apple produces iPads with 7.9-inch and 9.7-inch displays, so the new device will be a relief to those users who had started going for Android tablets.

What are the expectations prior to the largest Apple iPad’s release?

To begin with, the move will boost the Apple iPad’s market share, which has hit the rock in the recent past. Four years ago, the company was at the top in the tablet market. However, cheaper tablets running Android OS rapidly gained ground. Apple did not see this coming, only for them to come up with iPad Mini but it was too late to turn the tables in their favor. Even larger smartphones are taking a larger market share as compared to Apple’s tablets. Therefore, the 12.9-inch tablet is a great relief to the largest manufacturer of tablets.

The larger display that is coming with the super-sized iPad will be beneficial to businesspersons and professionals. Most of them cannot think of another better device more than a laptop. Apple is geared towards providing a larger display, great interface and an exceptional performance. They understand that professionals need an expansive screen to display more information, but they would not mind a higher degree of portability. Unlike, laptops the 12.9-inch iPad has an immaculate and compact design that allows you to carry it to any place without getting fatigued. In addition, it can slide into any carriage pack and not take much space.

Having a 12.9-inch screen will mean that it will measure approximately 15 inches diagonally. This makes it to surpass the specifications of a mobile device. However, if it will come as a substitute for laptops, offer a large display and still provide all the other handy features, it is a more feasible option. The truth is, many users are anticipating for this large tablet. Let us countdown to 2015 and witness the unveiling of this iPad. I must agree that businesspersons and other professionals will benefit more than other consumers will. With every business getting to the cloud, it is good timing for Apple.

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