Health Benefits Of Mega Omega Algae Oil

Author: Daniel Devid

Summary: Whenever someone thinks of algae, they embody a greenish film that covers the surfaces of lakes and ponds. However, it’s a marine organism with innumerable benefits.

Most people recognize algae as a greenish substance that they see on the surfaces of ponds and lakes. However, most individuals don’t know that it’s a marine organism often cultivated in laboratories for its unique oil. This substance is full-to-the-brim with omega-3 fatty acids. If you mention omega-3 to a bodybuilder or health enthusiast, they will tell you how beneficial this substance is for everyone. Fishes are generally the main provider of omega-3 fatty acids, but those who can’t tolerate fish oil or don’t eat seafood can rely on the oil yielded by algae. Here’s what it can do for you.

Health benefits: Products like mega omega algae oil contain high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce the risk of specific health conditions. It appears strongest in people who consume fish rather than those who take supplements. Nevertheless, evidence gathered by scientists suggests that supplements can be helpful enough, though they conducted studies on fish oil instead of algae oil.

Supports heart health: The mega omega algae oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, as already mentioned several times earlier, and it can reduce blood pressure and improve blood vessel functioning. As a result, consuming this substance can lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Scientists also have proof that omega-3 can reduce your triglyceride levels. If you take 1000 to 1200 mg of algae oil every day, then the triglyceride levels can drop by 25%.

Depression abatement: People diagnosed with depression often have reduces levels of EPA and DHA in their blood. Also, an analysis of studies including more than 150,000 individuals found that those who consumed more fish had a lower risk of depression. Researchers believe that it’s the result of taking omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, if you take EPA and DHA supplements, then you should consider replacing them with omega-3 containing substances to get rid of depression symptoms.

For your eyes: If you experience dry eyes or eye fatigue, then you may take omega-3-rich supplements because they can minimize the symptoms by decreasing your tear evaporation rate. Studies conducted on subjects who suffered from eye irritation due to sitting in front of computers for more than three hours per day or wearing contact lenses say provided that omega-3 can ease their symptoms.

Inflammation reduction: Finally, omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit compounds that usually trigger inflammation. Naturally, supplements containing this substance can help people combat specific inflammatory conditions. Scientists tested these supplements on animals and noticed a significant reduction in ailments, such as arthritis, asthma, and colitis.

Final words

Doctors and health experts advise people to take around 250 to 1000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids every day. Those who consume a vegetarian or vegan diet may suffer from the deficiency of this element. For these people, omega-3-rich supplements can prove to be nothing less than a boon. Since algae oil products offer varying quantities of fatty acids, you should look for products that can give you at least 250 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.