Different channels of providing customer support

Author: Akila Ady

Open all channels of communications to provide customer service. Make it easy for your customers to get help. These steps would help you improve your business relations with your clients.

The only way to improve your business relations with customers is to make your customer service accessible and simple. Your customers have many problems and they want to inform you about the problems, they are facing, but the traditional process obstructs free flow of information.

Improve client service

Live multi-channel customer support can help businesses improve their customer relations. Before discussing advantage of live support, let’s understand how live support is provided and how is it different from traditional process.

Traditional process

  • Call center executives attend to customers’ calls
  • The executives note down every complaint and raise tickets
  • Customers are assured of quick help and they are asked to wait
  • Customers remain in dark but they can follow up the matters
  • It is tedious, frustrating and one-way
  • Customers are unable to get information

Live help

  • It is transparent
  • It is quick
  • It removes all the hassles
  • It plugs communication gap
  • It reduces time
  • It provides customers access to the help desk
  • Customers can follow their requests in a hassle free manner

Running costs of call center and software

Call center is an expensive facility. It runs round the clock and it is manned by a number of executives. But the facility works like a buffer zone between clients and companies. Companies remain at a safe distance from their customers and the executives are left free to handle queries and requests from customers.

Software is affordable in comparison to call center. The software can be customized to suit individual needs and it removes all the obstacles that call centers create. Simply put, the software brings the customers and service providers at the same platform.

Comparison of call center and customer software

A quick comparison between the two options is sufficient to see the black-holes of call centers. The comparison would show how the software can improve relations. A business can ill afford to avoid the software and if it does then it would lose business to its counterparts.

A business doesn’t need installing infrastructure or hiring manpower to provide live multi-channel customer support. It is an online service and a business only needs software to start this service. The user can make customized software for his needs. There are many developers that provide online help software. Also there is free software.

Akila Ady is telling advantages of using software. She also provides live multi-channel customer support and advantage of paid service is that it is professional. A business can choose software according to its needs.