Best Dental Care for Cats and Dogs

Author: Honey Lee

Almost 80% of dogs and cats goes through dental problems as they turn 3 years old. Their teeth are no different than the humans, and so the plaque starts scrubbing away in the mouth. The plaque can turn into tartar in less than 36 hours, causing severe gum diseases and infections. This results in the damage of surrounding tissues and could be excruciating for your pets. Dental diseases can be preventable if taken care of at earlier stage. There are various easy methods to achieve this at home and keep your pet's teeth pearly white.

The dental problem in Dogs

The recreational chewing of dogs at an early age tends to less building of plaque. But as their teeth grow larger and cause tooth crowding due to smaller head size, the upper part of the gum area starts marinating with bacteria causing erosion of bones. It can also lead to jaw fractures, especially in the smaller breeds like bulldogs, Boxton, and pugs. They generally start chewing from the other side due to the pain, which after a point, results in breakage.

The dental problem in Cats

Cats also experience the same problems as they tend to eat canned foods. Cats don't usually go for dry food, which has lower chances of plaque buildup. The cats mostly suffer tooth resorption, which causes erosion in tooth enamel and damages in dentin's blood vessels and nerves. The only option remains to extract their tooth. It also causes problems like bad breath, discoloured teeth, sensitivity, and much more. Cat teeth cleaning is important and the stained yellow layer in your cat's teeth must be removed as it can cause swollen red gum, and they would tend to lose their appetite.

How to keep your pet's teeth healthy

Your pets don't take themselves, so you need to provide the right dental care for them.

Brush their teeth daily

Brushing is an essential daily routine of humans, but your pets need it too for combating dental diseases. Spare a minute daily on your cats and dogs to see the real difference. Remember not to use human toothpaste because it carries heavy metal toxicity, you can rather opt for pets toothpastes available in the market. You can use a finger toothbrush for brushing their teeth with ease. The brush must contain soft bristles with anti-plaque ingredients toothpaste. Don't go for home remedies like baking soda, which can harm your pets due to a high salt level.

Feed dental treats and chews

How about rewarding your pets with dental treats to encourage them chewing. This action helps to clean off the plaque and tartar from their teeth. There are plenty of such delicious dental treats available, so make sure to choose their favourite one. There are some treats available with reformulated soy, which helps to remove plaque.

Play with dental toys

Dental chew toys are designed to stimulate fresh to breathe with these playful essentials. They come in various shapes and sizes, but we recommend to have ones made up of rubber. You must keep swapping your toys so that your pets don't get bored with them. These chew treats include biscuit type, dental sticks, and bully sticks.

Add a water additive, Dental wipes, or teeth gel.

An additive water or teeth gel is a superb way to keep your dogs and cats teeth clean at home. These natural solutions promote healthy gums and fresh breath for 12 hours. Add it in their drinking water. Instruments used to clean their teeth can also cause them harm or tissue damage as your pets are not good at rinsing and spitting. For such safety concerns, you can choose dental sprays recommended by the vets. Dental wipes and rinse pads are also of great help as it merely wipes off the plaque deposits from the tooth surface but is inefficient in picking up food particles which get stuck in a gum socket.

Regular Checkups

Your pets need dental checkups too! No matter how regularly you brush or floss them, it won't be sufficient without professional cleaning. It results in less expensive than treating dental disease. It should be part of regular checkups and if you fret taking our pet to the clinic, look for "vets near me" to get a mobile home visit vet to come you.

Once you establish it into their daily routine, it will be easy and fun to spend a fun time together!