How could you Know When your Car Need Tune-up?

Author: Santa Barbara Autowerks

Many people forget to take their car for regular maintenance. If you one of them, then there are many things happen under your car's hood that you don't know about them. When your car does some unexpected things, it's an indicator that your car has a deeper problem. You can save your car by getting knowledge about its common signs and taking it to a mechanic when something goes wrong.

These common signs are indicating that your car needs a tune-up. If you tell your auto repair shop that your car needs a tune-up, then the mechanic should ask you about the signs you feel. Just like a doctor, they should ask you about the symptoms you're experiencing to diagnose the issues. Consider the following most common indication that your car needs an immediate tune-up.

Hear unusual noise

When you drive your car, if you hear any sounds coming from your car on a regular basis, then it can be a type of soothing. But if you hear a sound that was definitely not there a day before, then it turns to be a panic. For the safety concern, you need to investigate the issues as soon as possible. Unless you are a trained mechanic, so, it's almost impossible for you to identify the unusual noises of your car.

Many people thought that due to the damaged brake, the whining or scraping sounds are coming from your falling brake system. The best thing is, before analyzing anything own, bring it to your mechanic for a tune-up so that they find the causes of the noise and prevent the common issues of your car.

Start stalling out

When you accelerate your car by putting the foot on the pedal and press it, you can notice that before you are starting to move your car, your car lags there for a moment. It is nothing else a stalling issue that you couldn't ignore it. In another way, if you are learning to drive a car with a manual transmission, the stalls generally happen.

If you are still experiencing stalls, even after you are an experienced driver and drive an automatic car, then this would seem to be a bigger problem. Stalling generally occurs when your engine dies. Some of them are a dead battery, ignition issues, transmission issues and a faulty fuel pump. By consulting with the professionals you can address these problems easily as well as maintain your car in the best possible shape.

Low fuel mileage

The drivers always like to get much fuel mileage as they can and try to know how far their car can go on a tank gas. They also pay attention how often they are filling up at the pump. If you suddenly feel that you start needing to fill up more often, then it would diminish the fuel efficiency of your car that can put a negative side effect in your car.

If you notice that your car doesn't provide you enough fuel mileage that it usually does, then it needs a thorough check-up and regular tuneup. There are many other underlying problems that could be contributing to the decrease of fuel efficiency in your car. The best thing is to take your car to the shop and see what's going on it.

Engine is misfiring

The engine misfiring generally arises in your car when the engine cylinders are falling to give power to your car. Here, you will notice a loss of power and a shaking sensation. The engine misfiring is also a serious issue in your car that needs your immediate attention. If you neglect it for a while, then it may affect other parts of your car.

Some of the most common and frequent causes of engine misfiring in your car are the problems related to the fuel system, defect in the engine as well as having a faulty ignition. The best way to tackle with the misfiring of engine issues in your car is the book for a tune up immediately. The unattended misfiring of the engine could damage your car completely and create a much more expensive problem.

Engine lights come on

The people always illuminate the check engine light of the dashboard and may be tempted to ignore them. These signs are the common diagnostic system issues that alert you to the pressing maintenance of your car. When the engine lights come on, it's better to take your car for a servicing.

These warning lights of your engine also indicate that something wrong arises in your engine and that could lead to serious problems if you don't get a car tune-up. If you find any flash of lights on your dashboard that you normally never notice it, then check your user's manual for identifying the real issues behind it. Otherwise, you can call your mechanic and take an appointment for an immediate tune-up.

Unusual vibration

When you are driving your car on rough roads you can feel its impacts through steering wheels and the frame of your car. It's not at all a pleasant sensation that your car is reacting to the surface of the road. When your car isn't in normal condition, then you will feel the vibrations on a smooth and paved road also.

These problems indicate the internal problems in your car. If you are driving your car at a certain speed and feels like the whole car could vibrate apart, then it could be related to a number of issues in your car. So, it's best to investigate it by a reputed professional.


Try to avoid these potentially expensive repairs and replacements of your car by getting it on a regular maintenance schedule. You also need to make an appointment for your car tune-up and get things taken care of before they get out of your hand.