The purpose of The Body Corporate act
The purpose of The Body Corporate act is to improve the welfare of the community through providing a forum for social action. The act aims at establishing bodies corporate which are established for the purpose of owning and running large real estates. The purpose is not only to ensure the development of property, but also to increase the living standards in the society. This can be achieved by improving living conditions, reducing poverty, increasing awareness, preventing discrimination, promoting social justice, etc.
One way of improving the condition of society is through forming bodies of a certain size. Such bodies can range from a few people to several hundred. They can be developed by the municipality or state government. In this way the people get to enjoy various benefits like good housing and other benefits. The body can also act as a catalyst towards achieving the goals of the community.
The process of forming such bodies starts with selecting the leaders of the body. These leaders would be responsible for drafting the strategies and plans of the Body Corporate. The strategies and plans of the Body Corporate are the ways of improving the social conditions of the community. The strategies and plans can be developed in accordance with the needs of the society. The strategies and plans can also focus on the development of real estate. If the strategies and plans are well planned and implemented the people would get the best results.
The main aim of the Body Corporate is to develop and build real estate. This can be done in many ways like through purchasing the land from the municipality, making use of resources available, etc. Once the land has been purchased and then it can be developed into a profitable real estate for the people of that community.
Another way through which The Body Corporation can promote the welfare of a community is by setting up awareness programs. Awareness programs are the ways of educating the people about the real estate available in the area. Through the awareness programs the people can understand the various benefits of purchasing such real estate. and can understand their role in helping to develop the real estate so that everyone in the community can enjoy the benefits.
Another way through which the Body corporate can promote welfare of a community is through the establishment of a number of institutions. Institutions can be established which will give special attention to the welfare of certain groups of people. These institutions can be set up in the form of charity organizations and trusts. The institutions can be formed by the municipality or state government for helping the women, handicapped, the young people, the underprivileged or people with disabilities.
The institutes can be set up to teach the residents how to become successful businessmen, self-employed individuals, and entrepreneurs, etc. The institute can also provide the students with the necessary knowledge and skills required for such activities. The students can enroll in these institutes and courses and train themselves so that they can eventually achieve success in life.
The Body corporate can also adopt innovative means of giving publicity and exposure to the society. By this way the people will know about the work done by the organization and the work that need to be done in order to keep the society healthy. One example of such publicity is that the body can sponsor the distribution of leaflets which will promote the work done by the organization in the community. The body will also distribute posters of famous movies and magazines in the locality to publicize the organization and its work.