Complete guide on Liquid Flow Meter with Pulse Output

Author: Naman Modi

A flow meter with water pulse output has proven reliable. You can use it when you want to get higher levels of accurate fluid flow rate. They have a great ability to give the same results for repeated measurement. Even with a wide range of fluid viscosities, the flow meter with water pulse output will always offer you higher accuracy. For high or low-pressure drop, these kinds of flow meters are best for pump application and low gravity.

Things to keep in mind when using flow meter with water pulse output
  1. Check if the fluid is compatible with the meter

This is a crucial thing to be aware of before using a flow meter with water pulse output. Confirm if the fluid you want to monitor is compatible with your meter. You may look at the supplier's fluid chart that has that data. Or even better, you can consult your local agent to get important advice.

  1. Use a strainer

The flow meters with water pulse output are very sensitive to strainers. You will have to prevent any damage that may result from foreign materials or dirt. That's why you need to install strainers close to the fluid inlet toward the side of your flow meter. Once you install the strainer, make regular checking and cleaning. Don't fail to clean the strainer since how the flow meter with water pulse performs.

  1. Reed switch

Don't use a reed switch with high-speed counters. It will result in an inaccurate fluid flow rate. Ensure to use a low-speed counter or install a debounce circuit.

  1. Line pressure

You need to reduce the pressure charge in the meter. That will prevent the flow meter with water pulse output from getting damaged. Ensure to turn off the meter at the end of the day. It will reduce pressure build-up.

How to install flow meter with water pulse output
  • Include a bypass line in your design when setting up pipework
  • Apply thread sealant on the pipe threads
  • Ensure the meter and pipework have an excellent working pressure rating that matches your pump's pressure output.
  • Install a strainer
  • Flowmeters with water pulse output can accept flow in all directions.
  • Meter shafts should be in a horizontal plane. That way, you can install your meter in any orientation.
  • It's not good to over tighten your meter connections.
  • Fill the line slowly after installing your meter. It will reduce high-speed air increases that may damage rotors.
  • Ensure to test your system to check and remove any leakage
  • Check your strainer regularly to remove foreign materials.
Operating principle of flowmeter with water pulse output

The fluid flows through the flow meter and makes the rotors turn. A magnet is fitted in the active rotor. These flow meters have sensing elements that pick the passing of the magnets. Excitation of the switch then gives raw pulse output. The water pulse output signals may be fed to the external receiving element. But such signals can also be sent to the LC display. The LC display will then condition the water pulse output signal to show the fluid volume that is passing.


A flow meter with water pulse output can give you highly accurate results. But you need to install a strainer and check foreign material from affecting how the meter works.