7 Most Common Symptoms of Engine Failure

Author: Buymycar Sf

The engine is the heart of your car, and you need to take care of it properly. Nothing could scare you more than an engine failure that could ruin everything. There comes a time when you start doubting the performance of your car's engine. The good thing is that the engine starts giving you the warning signs when it does not work well. These signs are something that you can check out yourself. The article consists of a few signs that can make it easy for you to manage some problems. These will give you a clear picture that your engine is about to fail.

Engine Light:

Engine light can indicate a lot of odd things that can happen with your engine. From loose fuel cap to a big fault, the light can allow you to diagnose several other issues related to the engine. When the light starts glowing, it is best to get your vehicle checked.

Smoke from Exhaust:

A modern car can help you find this problem easily. If you see the car leaving a trail of smoke from the exhaust, it can point towards an engine problem. Black smoke indicates that the car is burning too much fuel and blue smoke indicates that the oil is burning.

Loss of Mileage:

A car tends to lose its mileage slowly due to wear and tear. But, if the car starts losing its power drastically or you see mileage dropping significantly, it needs quick attention. Sometimes, minor problems might be lurking and causing great damage to the vehicle.

Engine Knocking:

It happens when a small part of the air-fuel mixture starts burning independently without ignition. If you notice a constant knocking from the engine, it is best to take it to a professional and get it checked. Engine knocking can cause a lot of damage if you ignore it.

Driving Issues:

If you start experiencing problems with driving, there might an underlying issue that needs your attention. If you notice spark plugs fouled, dirty fuel, dirty filters, damaged ignition coils, clogged fuel lines, etc. All of these issues indicate poor performance. Regular checkups can avoid these problems.

Frequent Overheating:

If the engine of your car overheats a lot, it indicates that it needs care. Overheating the engine can cause more problems than you think. Some most common issues include wrapping cylinder that can cause leaking coolant and smoke from the exhaust that has been discussed earlier.

Oil Patches:

If you notice oil patches when your car is parked, it may be due to a gasket or pan leak. It can cause higher risks of engine damage as it would not get enough oil to maintain friction in the combustion chamber. As a result, it will start damaging the components.

If you are tired of dealing with engine problems and want to sell a used car for cash in San Francisco & Oakland, contact Buy My Car today. It is one of the best used car dealers in San Francisco & Oakland. Contact the company to schedule your booking.