C_HANAIMP_1 SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 1.0-Be a Highly Intellectual Professional

Author: Emily S. Berndt

The C_HANAIMP_1 PDF SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 1.0 test checks the candidate's knowledge in SAP HANA 1.0 for the post as an application consultant of SAP HANA. For this certification each candidate needs to possess basic knowledge which is obtained by HANA C_HANAIMP_1 Training and is rather fine-tuned by acquiring plenty of practical experience by being in a HANA team where the individual get a chance to apply this knowledge and expertise in such areas in various projects.

C_HANAIMP_1 Exam Questions

The C_HANAIMP_1 SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 1.0 test has 80 questions and the total time to solve these questions in 180 minutes. This 3 hour test has 3 question types. First type of questions is multiple choice types that consist of only one option as an answer. The second type is the question that multiple choice type but have more than one option as the right answer. The correct number of answers in each C_HANAIMP_1 Question is written besides the question. The third type is a matching type of question. Against the statement a few options would be given and the candidate would have to match the right option that suits the given statement.

More information on the exam

For each question, the correct answer contains 1 point and any wrong answer would not deduct any points, means it contains 0 points. For the questions that contain more than one correct option the candidate would have to select all the correct options to obtain 1 point.

After the first question, a NEXT button is provided and after the second question a PREVIOUS button is given to provide the candidates with the chance of going back and forth through the test. There is also another button provided which is called the ASSIST button, by clicking that button the candidate can view a bloc that contains 80 squares, equal to the total number of questions. The question which the candidate would be attending would be in white while the all the solved questions would be in green. There is also an option for flagging the questions that a candidate is not sure of and might want to attend the question again.

Topics included in the test

The C_HANAIMP_1 Actual Exam SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA 1.0 test contains the following topics. The percentage determines the amount of questions that each topic contains relative to the other.

They are as follows:

  • Reporting 12%.
  • Data Modeling 12%.
  • Provisioning of Data 12%.
  • Optimization 12%.
  • Business contents 8%-12%.
  • Authorization and Security 8%-12%.

C_HANAIMP_1 Study Materials and Guides

Candidates need to thoroughly prepare for the test and cautiously select the source. Study materials and training kits are available in large varieties through different sites. These study materials and training kits train the candidates by providing knowledge and C_HANAIMP_1 Practice of solving questions. Moreover, candidates can also find dumps and sample tests to assess themselves and prepare in even a better way prior to the test.

Cert4Prep is well known Preparation Material Provider for popular IT vendors regarding C_Hanaimp_1 Training and C_A1FIN_10 Study Kits.