Understanding Enterprise-Grade App Development Cost [Full Guide]

Author: Mike Jones

Enterprise-grade app development cost is considerably higher than a mobile app for a small or medium scaled business for simple reasons like data security, efficient data handling, seamless performance, ecosystem integration, global compliance, cost-efficient, and scalability.

Let us have a glance at exactly what enterprise-grade app development is;

Features of Enterprise-Grade App Development

  • Open Source: Generally, the community version of enterprise-grade app development is open source and free of cost, while the enterprise edition of the same software will offer the non-dynamic and cost for support, service, and maintenance.
  • Complex Architecture: The architecture of the enterprise-grade application is complex to make it scalable, data flowy, and speedy. The layers of the architecture include tools, repositories, builders, processes, and components that remove the challenging aspects of application and data integration, managing the SDLC, and application design and development.
  • Strict Auditing: It audits the business data being fed into the system to make the analytical reports impeccable and accurate.
  • High Security: The data is made more secure and reliable by applying the layers of encryption, secure endpoints, rigorous quality assurance, and testing.
  • Speedy: If an enterprise-grade application does not operate speedily, what application would? The speed is ensured through the system resources, bandwidth, and storage.

Let’s explore with us how much it should cost for the enterprise-grade development;

Cost of an Enterprise-Grade App Development Cost

The cost of enterprise-grade app development is ten times higher than an ordinary mobile app. According to us, the lower limit is $85,000, but the upper range knows no limit.

What are the factors that determine the cost of enterprise-grade app development?

Factors of Enterprise-Grade App Development

Following are the factors that affect directly or indirectly the costs incurred during the development of enterprise-grade app development;

Enterprise-Grade App Size The cost depends on the size of the enterprise-grade application. Usually, the enterprise-grade applications are built for the fast-growing and mid-sized companies and established companies which naturally mean numerous screens and pages, a large number of user support, and large big handling. These factors contribute to increasing the price.

  • Integrations

Depending upon the type of integrations i.e. event technology, marketing, and HR the APIs are integrated into the basic mobile app. These integrations include chats, contacts, Maps, Data Analytics, QR Scanning, Polling, and Payments, etc. Some integrations are simple while others are complex. The integrations can be both flawless and full of hitches.

  • Deployment

The deployment of the enterprise-grade app needs an expert guide. Usually, the mobile app development companies also provide the support and maintenance for the enterprise-grade development companies after they have been released and handed over into the hands of the users. The maintenance and support include organizing and planning the project, prototyping functional areas of your business, installing the software, configuring the system, implementing process changes, and completing conversions.

  • Training

Some enterprise-grade applications contain complicated admin panels. What if the admin panel is not very technology-savvy? The company needs to have arranged the training sessions to train its employees for using the admin panel of the mobile application to generate the value out of the enterprise-grade mobile app. Do not forget to include the cost of training too in the development cost of the app.

Examples of Enterprise-Grade App

Look at some of the already existing enterprise-grade applications already in the market;

  • Enterprise Mobile Application for Communication: This category includes skypes, Google Hangouts, Slack, and Wickr, etc.
  • Enterprise Mobile Application for Data Storage: This category includes Dropbox for business and Google drive.
  • Enterprise Mobile Application for Productivity: This category includes Evernote, Remember the Milk, and Trello.
  • Enterprise Mobile Application for Project Management: This category includes mobile applications like Asana, Basecamp 3, Todoist Business, and Workfront.
  • Enterprise Mobile Application for Security: This category includes GadgetTrak, LastPass Premium, and VyprVPN.
  • Enterprise Mobile Application for Utility: This category includes Camscanner+, DocuSign, and Print Jinni.

Let’s see the steps involved in the enterprise-grade app development;

Enterprise-Grade App Development

The steps in enterprise-grade app development are;

1. Planning

The project plan for the enterprise-grade development contains the project plan, schedules and timelines, procurement requirements, and cost estimation and budgeting. It will help in identifying the development tools, platforms, and programming languages. The timelines and the development teams on the board, and also the list of the personnel, equipment, hardware, and other resources.

2. Project Requirements

This step is the study of the existing software, conducting sessions and developers for collecting answers to the questionnaires. In this step, the app development company formally writes down all of the requirements the user has stated for validation later on.

3. Designing

This step includes designing the app keeping in mind the requirements gathered in the last step. You can create prototypes and share them with all the stakeholders for approval. The architecture of the software should be intricate yet straightforward.

4. Enterprise-Grade Application Development

The enterprise-grade application development starts at this point. The technical lead sees the development process and informs the project manager of the progress of the project.

5. Testing

The quality assurance team writes down the use cases for testing the functionalities of the enterprise-grade app development. The automated and manual testing is conducted to find the loopholes and hitches in the smooth user experience. The developers resolve such loopholes upon the indication of the quality assurance team. The testing team checks the code against quality, unit testing, integration testing, performance testing, and security testing.

6. Deployment Phase

The deployment involves manual approval to deploy the enterprise-grade application. Some companies use automatic tools to deploy the software, such as Application Release Automation (ARA). The output of this stage is the smooth release of your enterprise software.

7. Operations & Maintenance

The enterprise-grade application must be monitored to find out the bugs and defects. The regular checks will also expose any loopholes and defects of the software that might be hindering its performance. In addition to identifying those bugs, make sure that removing them doesn’t introduce more problems in the software. The entrepreneurs can contact back to the app development company for the operations& maintenance.