Know About The Skull Of Tyrannosaurus Skull
The famous Tyrannosaurus Rex is probably one of the most studied dinosaurs. This is believed to be due to the magnetism produced by the giant body with its strong jaws and small arms. Tyrannosaurus Rex derives from his head, part of its name being impressive and disproportionately large.
How the skull of tyrannosaurus rex different from domestic ondori skull structure
Researchers in this study compared the skull of this dinosaur with the skull of modern terrestrial vertebrates. By studying the anatomy of the tyrannosaurus skull using network analysis (already talked about here), this international research team found that this carnivorous dinosaur is a very flexible and functionally diverse skull structure. As evidenced by the complex modularity detected. In contrast to their peculiarities, they also found that the position and contact of the heavy skull bones of this dinosaur were similar to that of other animals such as birds (closest living relatives).
The colors indicate the anatomical modules identified using network analysis.
From this study, it is hypothesized that the eating habits of Tyrannosaurus rex may be related to the complexity of its skull. The division observed between the upper and lower parts of the face may have provided flexibility to the teeth to help dismantle the prey. To buy tyrannosaurus skull online at discounted price visit Trexfossil.
Mysterious hole in T-Rex skull
Thanks to the fossil debris discovered by paleontologists over the years, we today know many of the characteristics of dinosaurs, which give us a very rough idea of what they actually look like. However, many functions of these structures remain a mystery to scientists.
This is the case with two holes crowned with the tyrannosaurus skull known as the dorsal temporal window. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, some paleontologists pointed out that both cavities should probably be muscle attachment sites involved in jaw movement. Given the fame of this dinosaur's bitter stuff, the theory is very well accepted and continues almost to this day, but nothing has been proven.
With no living dinosaurs to investigate, the team of scientists, whose results are published in anatomical records, decided to look for the current species to serve as a model. Therefore, the first step was to look for the one that most closely resembles a dinosaur hole and analyze the holes present in the heads of some of these species.
Today, there is intense debate among experts as to whether dinosaurs such as rex are endothermic or endothermic. They were mesotherms, as some groups of scientist’s support that they actually have both characteristics.
The dorsal temporal window can help heat or cool the blood circulating in the blood vessels to supplement the temperature of the surrounding environment, so what is more clearly visible today is at least common with external temperature. It had a characteristic. The rest remains a mystery, but we already know that at least not all dinosaur kings are destined to do big things.
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