Caring Tips for Teacup Puppies

Author: Aaden Bell

A teacup puppy is not a breed. It is named as teacup according to its weight that goes approximately 4 lbs whereas the toy puppy weights around 7 lbs. As far as height is concerned, it should be less than 8 inches at its mature age. An extra care should be taken at the initial phase of their life, as they are very much prone to hypoglycaemia.

Hypoglycemia is a low blood sugar problem that exists in these small puppies during the initial phase of life, but as they grow bigger this problem get reduced to a far extent.

In the market, their prices range $2495 to $2595, whereas the toy puppies range $1295 to $2295, depending upon various parameters such as breed, health, etc. Their life span varies from 11 years to 14 years, depending upon how we take care for it.

It is always advisable to buy teacups after 12 weeks, due to following reasons

  1. Some breeders sell small puppies, saying that they are teacups. However, as they grow, they attain the weight of more than 7 lbs.
  2. We can clearly differentiate between a good breed teacup and a bad breed teacup after 12 weeks.

Generally, people believe that these teacup puppies die earlier as they are delicate and breeders compromise their health to produce toy schnauzer puppies. This is generally a fact that when breeders have not taken care about the genes of their parents and grandparents. Consequently, it will result in weak offspring that is liable to die at early stage of life, whereas if good gene factor is taken into consideration, the offspring becomes a healthier one, which is less prone to death at the early stage of life.

It is very important for a customer to buy a teacup puppy from a reliable breeder. the shear logic behind this fact is that today the breeders have started breeding the underweight tiny Yorkies to produce teacup puppies, but as the standard says the female of a breed should never be breeded by a male of less than 4 pounds, otherwise it will ultimately result into bad breed that is more liable to get sick frequently.

Caring for teacup puppies are as follows:

  • Proper diet for these
teacup puppies are must, that should include omega fatty acids, less amount of meat, green cooked vegetables, egg etc. to energies their body and provide them proper nutrients.

  • Proper sleep of up to 12 hours is must for these small puppies. It is always advisable not to play with these puppies more than 1hour at a stretch.
  • For few days keep an eye over the blood sugar level of these small puppies as they suffer from hypoglycaemia, when they are in stress. It is always advisable to provide them the ‘karo’ syrup along with their food, especially when they are small.