The Difference Between Swing Speed And Ball Speed In Golf

Author: Michael Neil

The game of golf consists of shots. It is obvious that golfers will spend time on perfecting them day in day out in order to better their game. One thing you may be trying to do is add distance to your golf shots. If you are trying to achieve this by increasing the ball’s speed, which you might be doing by increasing the speed of the swing, then you need to understand a couple of things. First of all, when practicing this, you need to have the best golf launch monitor. It is an handheld device that can provide you with details such as club head speed, ball speed, carry distance, and much more.

Getting back to golf shots, it is true that there is a relation between swing speed and ball speed. But if you think by solely focusing on swing speed you can master longer shots, then you need educate yourself a bit more about golf shots. By all means improve your swing efficiency and get better control of the swing tempo, but you need to learn to strike the ball on the sweet spot as well. We have listed down some points for you to understand what swing speed and ball speed is, how you can improve ball speed, and much more. Let’s get started.

  • What is swing speed? It is a term that is used to define how fast the club is moving when it hits the ball. Ball speed, on the other hand, is the speed of ball right after it flies off after being hit. It is important to not that ball speed will invariably be faster than club speed. The reason behind this is momentum transference from the golf club’s heavy head to lighter, high-energy golf ball.
  • Generally, it is said that ball speed should be about 1.5 times that of swing speed. For example, if you are a golfer who produces a swing speed of 100 mph, the ball speed, after being struck, should be about 150 mph. Do keep in mind that by increasing club speed you cannot really increase ball speed.
  • So, what should you do to better ball speed? You should practice increasing the ball speed by keeping speed of the swing constant. This is something that golfers with short swings would benefit from the most. Players who lack range of motion would also notice a difference in ball speed by using this technique.
  • So, your aim should be to improve efficiency of the swing as much as possible. Get rid of hooks and slices through constant practice and you will surely improve your ball speed. If you want to know what your club speed is apart from ball speed and swing speed, then you need to get a golf club speed tracker. There are sellers online that only sell golf related products. You can visit the website of one such seller and buy all the key accessories, devices, or products to better your golf game.