Emergency Carpet Drying

Author: Emergency Carpet Drying

Water is an essential part of our lives. Still, even if it is necessary for us to live, it can be extremely destructive at times. There are many potential disasters you can deal with, but water damage is among the most common ones.

There are many ways your house can be affected by water damage. A wet carpet can become a serious problem if it is not treated quickly, as it becomes a great source of bacteria and toxins if you don’t treat it. Not only that, but it can also damage your walls by discolouring them, and even the foundation of the building can be severely damaged if the problem is not addressed as soon as it happens.

It is also important to note that water extraction can cost you a lot of money. For instance, if you have a wet carpet and haven’t treated it quickly, not even an emergency carpet cleaning process by a professional can save it. It is completely damaged and must be replaced as soon as possible.

Flood damage is one of these problems and must be addressed seriously. Here we explain some other common water damage sources and what you can do to fix the problem.

Water Damage from Roof Leaks

Roof leaks are more common than you think. They can appear at any time, but you’ll have to deal with them when spring or summer comes. If you did not address the problem before the rainy season came, your ceiling would not protect you.

If there is water damage already, it will become noticeable soon indoors. It’s very easy to spot these as the humidity makes the ceiling’s appearance odd and unpleasant; it also brings a strong odour.

If this is your case, that means the damage can be worse than you think it is. You can try to fix it yourself by using roofing coating, but it’s highly recommended to hire a professional roofing contractor so they can look deeper into the issue.

Pipe Leaks

Pipe leaks happen all the time. If you localize the source quickly, then you can protect your home from more significant damage. However, if you do not pay enough attention, it can be quite destructive.

It’s not complicated to spot pipe leaks. For example, you can check your lower wood cabinets in your kitchen sink or bathroom, as these are the most common places for pipe leaks. If there is softness around the area, then there is something to be fixed there.

Depending on the area, it can be hard to fix pipe leaks. If you do not know how to fix them, it’s best to hire a professional to do it for you.

Tub, Sink, Shower or Toilet Leaks (or overflows)

These are easy to spot. As there are multiple areas where the water can easily manage to escape, a thorough inspection will let you know what you should fix. Depending on the damage severity, it can be hard to spot sometimes.

The best options to fix these problems are to inspect the areas thoroughly and patch or replace the damaged area. Patching is needed to avoid greater damage and allows you to repair the damage without too many worries.


A flood can cause significant damage to many areas of your house. For instance, a wet carpet may need a replacement, or you may need an emergency carpet cleaning done by a professional. Flood damage can be hard to deal with, but the repercussions of it are visible.

Once you’ve noticed there is flood damage around your house, get in touch with a professional. Evading the situation will make things worse in the long run.