Services Offered by Trademark Registration Consultants

Author: Muruga Kani

When you build a company, registering your trademark should be one of the first few things on your To-Do list. Registering a trademark helps protect your brand name and logo from being used by competitors and thus creates an easily recognizable identity. This in turn, builds loyalty amongst customers and helps strengthen your brand image. The good news is that you don’t have to wade through the legal paperwork alone. Here are some of the services offered by trademark registration consultants to help you out.

Trademark Availability SearchOnce a trademark is registered, it cannot be used by anyone else. Also, a competitor cannot use a brand name or logo that is so similar to your registered trademark that it may confuse customers. This also means that your logo and brand name cannot be similar to an existing trademark. For example, if you have a phone manufacturing company, you cannot register a trademark as ‘Backberry’ or ‘Nokeea’ since companies with similar sounding names already exist. Trademark registration consultants will help you search for available trademarks and compare your trademark to existing registered trademarks to ensure that they are unique.

Class SelectionWhile two paint manufacturers may not have the same name, a paint manufacturer and a restaurant may have the same name. This is because the products and services offered by them are categorized under different classes. Trademarks are categorized under 45 classes in India. Of these, 34 are for products while 11 are for services. When you register a trademark, you must choose the right class or your application may be rejected. For example, pharmaceuticals are categorized as Class 5 while Medical apparatus is categorized as Class 10.

Documentation and Application SubmissionOnce you are sure of your trademark and class, you can move on to putting together the application and its supporting documents. Trademark consultants can help you ensure that the documents are valid and that you do not miss out on any of the supporting documents needed. This helps prevent unnecessary delays and makes the process smoother. For example, did you know that when filing a trademark registration for a partnership company, you need to submit identity and address proof for all the partners? Similarly, if the trademark is already registered abroad, you will need to submitproof of this as part of the documentation. Once the application is submitted, they will also help you frame appropriate responses to any objections that may emerge.

Working with trademark registration consultants is always advisable when filing for trademark registration. Work without an agency you trust and who you can rely on to pay attention to details. After all, this is a long term relationship. A registered trademark is valid for ten years after which the consultants can help you renew the registration. Even after your trademark has been registered, you should be able to count on the agency to help you if you come across a competitor with a name or logo similar to yours. Trademark registration is the most effective and cost-efficient way to protect your trademark. So, are you ready to get started…