Why Opt for A Stylish Colombian Emerald Necklace for Your Special One?

Author: Rossetti Gioielli

The adage goes "diamonds are a girl's best friends". However, these days, there are plenty of other available options that can be used to accentuate your beauty or to gift to your loved one. These include - sapphires, amethyst, rubies, opals, Colombian emeralds jewelry, etc. However, it is an undoubted fact that Emeralds have gotten an extreme level of attention that is next only to diamonds.

The same has a beauty of the green-hued stone that flashes others with its distinctive charm and elegance. Therefore, instead of opting for expensive diamond jewelry, people instead seek Colombian emeralds jewelry to mesmerize their loved ones on happy occasions. It is not included to see that the same has huge takers for being used as engagement rings as well. So, if you are in the market looking for a glittering gemstone then it might better to limit your search to emeralds.

Colombian Emeralds Jewelry - Evergreen Trend or a Fad?

Zambian emeralds were created by a billion-year-old rock getting into touch with million-year-old granite. Colombian emeralds, though, developed in sedimentary rock. With the huge swells in heat and force, emeralds were the effect of the cooling of hydrothermal fluids. Like many of its colorful eye-catching peers, Colombian emeralds jewelry has been around for quite some time now. It already has a high prestige relationship with the world's top royals, and high society is slowly entering into the homes of common people as well.

Jewelry designers assert that emeralds share a deep relationship with the royal houses of the world. It is long considered a symbol of Power and in some nations it is equated as a stone from paradise. For others, the deep green tint offers a connection to Mother Nature and her endowments. As a result, Colombian emeralds necklace remains one of the most preferred forms of royal jewels. It is thus one of the leading names in precious gemstones for earlier Mesopotamians, beauties like Cleopatra, and royal Indian families.

These all indicate that these gemstones share a deep and long history with the leading names in royalty and noble houses of the world. So, what makes it so popular next only to diamond? The answer is: its deep green or bluefish-green hue. Like diamonds, the cost of emeralds is related to the following factors:

  • Cut
  • Color
  • Clarity
  • Carat weight

Thus, if you buy a Colombian emerald necklace from a skilled name in the jewelry industry then they can well understand the nuances of working with an elongated emerald crystal and then offer you the best results in terms of shape and cut. The cutter will then cut the same according to the rough crystal and thus maximizing the size while maintaining the deepest hue, tone, and even saturation to get the best results for your needs.

Top Considerations While Selecting oneColombian Emerald Necklace

Beyond the cut, clarity, color, and the carat weight of a Colombian emerald necklace, you need to focus on an emerald and its treatment methods adopted. It is observed that emeralds are treated using colorless oil that helps to improve the stability of this wonderful stone.

The reason that your Colombian emeralds jewelry undergoes such treatment is that the same is a type 3 gemstone that means that there will surely be ‘Jardins’ i.e. inclusions. These tell a great deal about emeralds, their formation and thus help in identifying the origin of the same. Similarly, the levels of the treatment used will ultimately affect the price of the same. An emerald with the same appearance yet less treatment will get a good price. Thus, when you venture out to buy these emeralds, you need to identify the treatment of the same and ask for full disclosure before making a purchase.