A Robotic Kit - SpaceTrek

Author: Space Trek

Usually robots are thought to boost productivity, ease the burden and perform tasks otherwise not possible with limited physical strength the humans possess. Robotics is the science of making robots which is driven by never-ending innovation. It is one of the most sought after area in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields owing to its relevance in today’s time. Robots could both be means and end in STEM education as they are being utilised to educate and develop a temperament in students to pursue career options in Robotics.

Encouraging robotics learning is driven by the emerging need of robots in our everyday life. STEM subjects are becoming more and more application centric. One doesn’t have to wait until college to learn advanced applications of robotics. High school is the ideal time as students usually weigh pros and cons of different subjects from a professional perspective. If robotics is introduced in their lives at this stage then they would visualise a future driven by technology. Space Trek keeps such educational needs from STEM subjects in view while designing camps and hardware.

Robots are complex in their make, but they can make life easy and add value to the education of kids. When it comes to robotics, finding something enjoyable and relevant to learning is key to make it a fun filled activity. When robotics istaught in connection with applications of the technology, one could look forward to innovations and motivated young minds to imagine and build. It’s also helpful as the activities can boost mental performance and show how STEM subjects could be utilised to enhance critical thinking.

Robotics is a sequence of activities. It involves designing, assembling parts, coding, programming etc. Developing a robot to accomplish a certain task means engaging faculties like critical thinking, planning, decision-making and more. Robots are the most interactive form of technology. The most important thing about them is that they should follow commands in order to arrive at intended results. Learning robotics helps STEM students learn the importance of communication while fabricating new technology, like creating disruption technology in machine learning.

For young learners making robots from scratch is challenging. However, with right support for their vision they can achieve immensely. While pre-assembled robotics available online are an ideal start, the first question to answer is what a robot will be made to do? The decision about task will determine planning the hardware and software line-up. It is advised to begin with simple tasks performed using basic sensors.

To assist young learners to initiate into the incredible field of robotics and augment their interest in STEM sciences, Space Trek, an educational company at Kennedy Space Centre Visitor Complex, Florida has developed a program that teaches and engages students in long-term exploration of robotics. While Space Trek organises STEM camps at its instructional facility at KSCVC, it also produces robotics kits including hardware and software support for supply in schools all over the USA.

SpaceTrek robots are designed and developed at the in-house manufacturing facility with the instructors supporting research and development team continuously. The parts of robots are produced using 3D printing technology. The robots come in semi pre-assembled version that can be programmed and made to perform. Space Trek’s instructor support works closely with students and teachers to create a successful learning experience.

Makers and robotics enthusiasts can also buy robotics kits online in order to add variety to their experiment or create something completely new.