Detect the Presence of Bacteria in the Water Treatment Plant with Bactosense

Author: Belinda Rahme Barakat

Bactosense is the automatic online flow cytometer for microbiological monitoring of drinking water, which detect the bacteria in distribution network. This BactoSense can also be taken to remote parts of your distribution network for a spot check, as well as your recycled water plant, even Council swimming pools. This flow cytometer can be operated manually or automatically. An internal database allows all measured data to be reviewed and visualised across the entire measuring period. The results can be transmitted in analog or digital form, for example, via mA, USB or web interface. Industries such as pharmaceutics & cosmetics, laboratories & universities, food & beverage, and water treatment & distribution will make use of Bactosense in order to detect the bacteria in water treatment plant easily.

Bactosense Applications

  1. Disinfection control (chlorination, ozonisation)
  2. Integration into early warning system possible
  3. Rapid microbial contamination detection
  4. Monitoring of private and public in-house water installations
  5. Monitoring of water distribution networks, flushing procedures, maintenance etc.
  6. Monitoring of water treatment processes
  7. Monitoring of raw water quality
  8. Anywhere a fast answer concerning the general microbiological quality of drinking water is required
  9. Determination of the water "fingerprints", cell size ratio (HNAP), and intact cell ratio (ICP)
  10. Online or manual measurement
  11. Flow cytometric determination of total microbial cell count (TCC) or intact cell count (ICC)

Bactosense Benefits

Insurer: Large scale costs saving

Healthcare Provider:
