Author: Souvik Roy

If you want to know all information about TERRESTRIAL PLANETS. At first, you should know about Terrestrial it refers to Planet. It is like our Earth. It is made up of rock. The word Terrestrial came from the Latin word "terra" which means Earth. Terrestrial Planets have similarities with our Earth.

Description of Terrestrial Planets

The first four planets nearest the sun known as the terrestrial planets because of their Earthlike characteristics, especially their rocky composition. Each of the four terrestrial planets-Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars-has distinctive features that set it apart from its neighbours in the solar system.

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Mercury orbits the sun in only 88 Earth days. It revolves on its axis so slowly that one Mercurian day lasts 59 Earth days. It has a large iron core, suggesting that it lost most of its surface in an ancient collision.

Mercury appears to be shrinking still as its iron core grows cold. Venus has the densest atmosphere of any planet in the solar system and composed largely of clouds of carbon dioxide some 40 miles thick.

These clouds trap incoming sunlight, which heats the planet’s surface to 880°F day and night. No trace of water has been found on Venus’s surface. It shines luminously, making it the third brightest object in our sky after the sun and the moon. Earth has a unique blue-and-white appearance. 70 percent of its surface covered with water. its atmosphere filled with clouds rich in oxygen.

Some more information about Terrestrial Planets:

Both its optimum distance from the sun and the vapor-make Earth conducive to life. Earth’s terrain varies more than that of any other planet, and its lifeforms thrive on land and in water. Mars’s iron-rich soil gives it a reddish glow. Half the size of Earth, Mars is known for the oversize features of its terrain. Its Valles Mariner’s canyon stretches some 2,500 miles, equivalent to the distance from Los Angeles to New York City.

Its Olympus Mons volcano stands at least 15 miles high, more than twice the height of Mount Everest. Despite Mars’s inhospitable atmosphere, the United States still hopes to send a manned spacecraft to this,

Earth’s closest neighbor. Ceres, a dwarf planet, resides in the asteroid belt that orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter. About one-fourth the size of Earth’s moon, Ceres is the largest object. Belt of solar system leftover essence of water in three states-liquid, solid and vapors


The asteroid belt, located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid belt is a wide belt of material orbiting the sun that contains perhaps millions of asteroids.

Ceres, an asteroid recently upgraded to a dwarf planet, is also found here. These asteroids are spread out over such a large swath of space that a spacecraft traveling through the belt would rarely encounter one.

They tend to collect in orbiting groups separated from one another by significant gaps, called Kirkwood gaps and which are caused by the gravitational pull of Jupiter. Jupiter’s gravity occasionally pulls an asteroid out of orbit and sends it hurtling to the sun. A rare asteroid veer out of the belt and rockets to Earth.

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