Strategies For Picking Those lotto Numbers

Author: Scott Jack

We all know that no-one can tell you a strategy that will win the lotto for you. There are, however, ways that can increase your chances of a good outcome. Whilst not guaranteed, when mixed with the enjoyment of just taking part, these strategies are worth taking a look at. You will probably be surprised to find that you already naturally follow these guidelines.

Do not Limit Your Chances:

It is a well-known fact that the majority of people choose their numbers from birthdays of friends and family and certain anniversary dates. Think about this logically and you will realise that doing this in fact limits the amount of numbers that you can select. Add this to the fact that lots of people are doing the same thing and you will realise that there are numbers outside of the calendar range that do not get selected anywhere near so often. Surprisingly, these are numbers which are often picked out. By sticking to the same method that everyone else does, you are actually limiting your chances of winning and the amount that could potentially be won. When you pick up your lotto ticket at the shop or online at try selecting numbers above 31 for a better outcome.

Number Analysis:

There are a number of sites on the internet which will analyze the numbers which have been previously selected. You have two options here. Select numbers which have not come up for a while, or numbers which commonly come up. It is really down to you which you feel is the best approach. Statistically, if you think about it, they all have the same chance of coming out every time. For instance, it has been shown by analyst Richard Lloyd that the numbers 01 06 13 23 27 49 are the most frequent numbers that have come up together over the course of the National lotto. This does not however make them statistically more likely to come up than any other numbers. It comes down to a matter of faith!

Taking a Chance:

Many people decide that the best way to select their lotto numbers is just to take a Lucky Dip. Indeed, you stand just as much chance of winning this way as the next, according to experts. Worldwide, more people have won by selecting random numbers than employing complicated strategies. Perhaps this should tell us something about how we should approach things. Planning does not always win. It is also the case that those who select random numbers less likely to be selected by others will win more. Always consider the bigger picture and you will gain in the long term.

Regardless of how you pick your numbers, just enjoy taking part in the lotto. Just winning a few pounds can bring a smile to someone, because it is not down to how much you win it is what you do with it that matters.

Attention! Do you know that the most popular lottery in Nigeria is Baba Ijebu Lotto? If you want to know more - read more about Baba Ijebu Pay Me My Dough. All of the information can show you that the lottery games are really popular in Africa.