Indian Wildlife: History of Conservation

Author: Uday Patel

Rich in wildlife India is a biodiversity hub with bewildering species of life form and ecosystems they thrive in. It is a duty of one and all to save precious life forms that are part of our life on Earth. In an ecosystem life is linked and dependant upon each other the niche habitats that species live in create an environment that provides support to all life on Earth by creating equilibrium between natural forces and vital elements. Life throbs because of this equilibrium, a crucial balance that if we disturb or destroy will fall back on us with vengeance and the result will be disastrous. By the way global warming has already stepped in because of large scale destruction of tropical forests and unhindered use of fossil fuels.

We share our beloved Earth with all life forms, earthly elements and natural forces that which we call as nature in comprehensive narrative. In India, the ethos of conservation has been shaped by Vedic Civilization as early as five thousand years back. The conservation ethos still flourishes albeit there was a disruption in history a period of intense destruction of wildlife which as followed by decimation of forests for commercial exploits. In the post independence India, agricultural expansion though an imperative due to population explosion wreaked havoc on our ecosystems and the habitats contained within.

The arrival of British was the worst chapter in the annals of Indian history. Totally lacking conservation ethos reckless hunting became a premier sport along side commercial exploitation of land and natural resources. Large chunks of forests for hardwood were wiped out within the period of their rule and murderous assault on our wildlife was unprecedented. This continued unabated with connivance of our powerful elites… even post independence.

The exploitation was set as a paradigm in which hunting was rampant and so was the takeover of precious lands. Post independence the paradigm continued executed by our own people.

Whence the worst had happened conservation urgency took roots in this country and was propelled by wildlife managers with the PM Indira Gandhi at helm. There is no limit to accolades that could be showered on our honorable PM. She set the right pathway to conservation by bringing the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 and initiating the Project Tiger Program. The creation of tiger reserves was most productive by according inviolate space to the endangered tiger and other life forms. She valued everything precious we had inherited as a Nation.

As a result of series of wildlife conservation initiatives that followed many species on brink of extinction have been saved in India. Though not yet back to glory of olden days Indian Wildlife is recovering fast. And in spite of fast growing developmental economy that often infringes on our precious ecosystems conservation seems to be right on path.

Conservation is difficult in developing economies and India with a massive population burden has to struggle hard balance between structured development and economic revival and yet save our inheritance. This calls for a sincere dispensation that balance all imperatives to save India’s biodiversity and yet progress harmoniously.