Rugs Online - History of Rugs

Author: Alex Mayers

Rug weaving is an antique art that was very popular in the 16th-century in Turkey, Persia, and Asia. 3000 BC Nomad tribes start weaving together rugs to warm from cold ground, rain and wind. They made them from the hair of their camels, sheep and goats. The oldest and surviving piece is known as Pazyryk and contains 300 knots per inch, it dates back to 400-500 BC.

By the 18th centuries, English designers were producing different types of original styles and textures. All the rugs those days were handmade until the 1841, when the power loom was presented. While some rugs, are still handmade, most of the producers use modern equipment to create classical and modern. Owning an oriental rug those days in Europe was a great status symbol.Rugs production has a very brief history, in the Garden of Eden people were using animal’s hides as floor coverings and later they began making rungs form reeds and other natural materials. The art of rugs waving distinguishes people of different stature. A long time ago rich families were using expensive materials and methods for their rugs. Different fragments of a variety of rugs give us clear historical indications about periods and ages when were the rugs made depending of the carpet’s fibber, colour and design.The first massive production of rugs was noticed in Asia from nomad people, they found an effective way to utilize the wool from the ships. The very first coverings were used as a protection against the cold weather.

According to the history, after the 1000 CE, people begin to distribute rugs with Mesopotamia and Persia and all across the European continent. It is interesting that oriental rugs can be seen in old European paintings. We believe the European were trading rugs with Persia before they learned the technique to produce their own rugs. Today, unfortunately handmade rugs from Europe are very rare because they're not durable to compete with the high quality of the Persian ones.Dating back to 1700 in the United States, Native Americans learned the rug- making craft from wool and cotton. Rug design those days had more religion characteristic and family overtones.

European introduced the technique of coloured rugs at the beginning in the 1980s', that period there was a huge increase in the demand.Regardless of the technique of how rugs are made, the art of production speaks much of our human history. All handmade flooring covers are very valuable to us, because they are inspired from the music, art and culture through the centuries. A look through Decorug’s collections will immediately present the beauty and he style-from highly traditional to surprisingly modern-today's rugs can be. One of the most popular suppliers in the Australia for and carpets are rugs online, they add elegance and beauty to modern living rooms with its various products and designer rugs .