Amazon Barcodes - Basic Differences You Need to Know

Author: Tim Hughes

There certainly are a lot of acronyms on Amazon, and also a lot of special identifiers as well. Hopefully this will explain for you!


ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number. It is made up of 10-characters: numbers, alphabets, or a combination of both. It is a unique identifier assigned by and its partners. This means each product has its own unique code with which customers can identify the product that they are looking for. You cannot find two items having the same ASIN. Asin are only unique within a marketplace. So you may have different ASINs in different marketplaces, for the same product.

Every item that is from the amazon product catalog is assigned a particular ASIN. If you make a new list, then it will find a brand new. If you are a wholesaler listing on an existing catalog item, you are set on a current ASIN. In a nutshell, each product that comes up in hunt is a unique product detail page, and it has an ASIN.

Variations of the identical product still possess a unique ASIN for every variant.

To sell an ASIN, you produce an "deal" so that your offer can be recorded on that ASIN's product detail page. On popular wholesale things, there may be a hundred distinct offers per ASIN.

2. SKU

SKU is short for Stock Keeping Unit - it is exactly what you call the item on your system. You may use whatever naming convention you need. A lot of people use a pattern such as Method to name their products. Always make certain you make SKU's mean some thing that if you see it in a list, you'll know what product/variation it's talking about. Every time you create a new offer for an ASIN, you are going to be asked to supply a distinctive SKU.


The FNSKU is a fullform for Fulfillment Network SKU or Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit. The FNSKU is the manner that Amazon describes a product distinctive to the vendor which has shipped it.

The FNSKU is your alphanumeric number that is used to create the barcode that you set on your merchandise when you send stock to the FBA warehouse. Every"Fulfilled by Amazon" SKU you add to Amazon will have it is on FNSKU Barcode. You're not required to use FNSKU's to record on Amazon. You can even use the maker barcode (UPC) that is printed on the product bundle.

4. UPC

Every item you purchase in the supermarket contains one, it is what they scan at checkout. UPC's are bought, from GS1, who retains the rights to disperse themand anyone in the world who looks your UPC on any platform can learn what the product is. Each item on Amazon, unless you have been granted an exemption, requires a UPC.

5. EAN

Represents an European Article Number and regularly comprises of 12-13 digits. This is fundamentally a scanner tag which recognizes every individual item, its producer and other thing attributes. This code is normally as of now imprinted on the mark or bundling by the producer.