Everything You Need To Know About Root Canal Treatment

Author: Joshua Su

Do I really need a root canal? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by patients. A root canal procedure is done to save the infected tooth. Yes, a root canal can rescue a tooth that would otherwise be irreparable due to serious damage. While a tooth extraction may seem to be a viable option, a missing tooth can cause a lot of dental problems. One the other hand, a root canal treatment can restore the tooth’s functionality, allowing the patient to eat the foods they like while also saving their smile. Besides, root canal therapy prevents infection from spreading to adjacent teeth. If a decayed tooth is not treated, it can cause several dental problems and leads to tooth loss.

What is a root canal procedure?

A root canal is a dental procedure performed by the dentists Parramatta, to clean out the decay and preserve tooth decay. During the procedure, the no gap dentist Parramatta will extract bacteria and decay from the infected parts of a tooth’s structure, including pulp, root, and nerve.

After removing the decay, the tooth structure will be disinfected with antibiotics, fill the empty roots, and the area will be sealed to prevent the formation of cavities in the new area. Once the area is sealed, a crown will be placed on top of the root canaled tooth. The root canal procedure leaves the natural tooth in place and helps to prevent other infections and decay. A root canal can be done by a general dentist or a specialist known endodontist.

Why is root canal necessary?

While several dental problems can result in the need for root canal therapy, the most common is severe decay or a cracked tooth. A tooth starts to decay when bacteria and plaque starts to build-up on a tooth, producing acid that attacks the enamel of a tooth. The enamel is the hard, protective outer cover of a tooth. When the enamel is eroded, the tooth’s inner structure, like dentin will be exposed and the bacteria get into the tooth structure, affecting the nerve.

If the pulp is infected, it won’t heal itself and requires no gap dentist Parramatta intervention to disinfect the pulp. The nerves in a fully decayed tooth will also be removed as they serve no purpose other than sensitivity to heat or cold.

A cracked tooth must be sealed, if not, it can also have serious consequences on your oral health. Even a small crack can pave the way for bacteria to penetrate into your tooth, resulting in dental decay.

A root canal procedure is beneficial so never hesitate to get the procedure done. Speak to your dentist and fix an appointment to treat the decayed teeth.

The author is one of the best Parramatta dentists. Along with a team of dental professionals, he provides patients with comprehensive dental treatments which are intended to improve the dental health of the Parramatta community. Visit https://www.curedental.com.au for more details.