On-page SEO checklist 2021

Author: Sachin Patil

When we indulge in the field of SEO, we must know what SEO means and how it works?

SEO is a simple strategy that defines how well we can learn from our mistakes and how dedicated we are towards our work. SEO is a very competitive field. But, this works as a disadvantage and as an advantage both.

That is because, here we learn from the feedback and our mistakes. But, isn’t it better to learn from others' mistakes. We can track what strategy our competitor is using and we can work for the same. Also, here we can easily see that people are working very hard and in getting the latest technology and everything to fall in place regarding their website. so, to compete with such competitive people you really need to be the best.

By using the technique of SEO, we improve our ranking by any search engine. There are several factors on the basis of which our website is judged and placed in a particular order for respective fields. And this ranking decides the order of the websites that are displayed to the consumer when asked for.

These factors are divided into two categories namely-

On-page SEO

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO generally includes everything that is related to supporting the website from the back and nothing is visible about that on the website however it has huge impact on the traffic generated. It consists of backlink strategy by which we bind our website with others and also to keep in mind backlinks are an important factor for Google ranking.

Off-page SEO also includes blogging or supporting and promoting your website on social media to attract more traffic.

On-page SEO- when we talk about On-page SEO we know that it consists of everything that makes our website more attractive and makes it rank higher by Google. On-page SEO makes up for most of the ranking factors and is therefore also considered more important.

On-page SEO includes the following-

  • Content selection- you need to be well aware of the topic you choose. And should always post originally and true content about the topic. You can also seek for help for searching the topic to write about. It is advised to go for topic that has less competitors on it.

  • Keyword selection- it is important to remember that keywords make one of the most important ranking factors. You need to be very careful while choosing it. you can take help from keyword selection tools available free of cost on the internet. Keywords have a direct link between the customers search and your website display on the search engine.

  • Page time optimization- optimize your website so that it doesn’t consume much time as no one really has time to wait for any site to load for more than 3 seconds usually. That can also result in website switch.

  • Image optimization- like the page time, optimize your image also such that it gets easily available to the customer.

  • Image alt text- in case image doesn’t appear to the customer they can read beneath it, what was in the image so that the lack of image doesn’t cause any lack of understanding.

  • Meta description- always be careful about the meta description as the search engine is very specific about it while ranking your website.

  • Mobile-friendliness- Google when ranks your website uses mobile interface. So, if your website is not mobile friendly it may not get a ranking.

SEO Training Delhi, have covered every point that resides under On-page SEO above. You can refer to other articles on SEO on our website.