Ghee Benefits for Health: You will be surprised to know

Author: Milkio Foods

In today's busy lifestyle it is important to maintain a healthy diet. Most of us neglect this important side in our busy work schedule and as a result, we fall sick very often. The phrase is absolutely correct that "You are what you eat". In this article, we are going to tell you about one such power-packed superfood that will provide you with all the essential vitamins and nutrients that your daily diet may lack. It is ghee or also popular as clarified butter. If you are not aware of the ghee benefits, then this article is just for you.

What is Ghee?

Before knowing the ghee health benefits it is important to know what is ghee? Ghee making is a traditional process and also the time-consuming one. The raw material used is pure milk which is used for making milk cream. Later in a churning process, the impurities get separated. Once the butter is melted the ghee butter gets separated into liquid fats and milk solids. The milk solids are taken away and finally, the pure clarified butter is strained and collected.

For centuries, butter and milk have been associated with religious and spiritual ceremonies in India. It is an integral part of Indian cuisine but now people all over the world are aware of this food. You can easily enjoy all the ghee health benefits by adding a proper amount of ghee into your daily diet. Here are the benefits of eating ghee-

One of the ghee health benefits is it has high levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants can reduce the risk of developing inflammation which can result in a number of health conditions. Inflammation is directly linked to diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis because it increases blood glucose levels, which in turn increases the risk of higher smoke point and raises the blood pressure.

Another most beneficial fatty acid found in ghee is conjugated linoleic acid or CLA. This is a polyunsaturated, omega-6 fatty acid. The consumption of ghee in a restricted way can help you in losing weight.

Studies have shown ghee benefits consist of increased concentrations of vitamin A, D, E and K. Vitamin A is great for eyesight and Vitamin K helps absorb calcium in the intestines and also plays a role in the immune system.

In addition to these benefits of eating ghee on health, the medium-chain fatty acids found in ghee help regulate blood glucose. The glucose levels in the blood can affect insulin levels and this can reduce the risk of diabetes.

Pure cow ghee can also be applied on dry skin to help moisturize. Due to the presence of vitamin E helps in keeping skin soft and supple. You can directly apply ghee on dry skin. Just keep it for a few minutes and rinse off with cold water. It also can be left overnight.

This dairy delicacy is particularly helpful for people who have problems with constipation and are at risk of developing bowel obstruction. As it is easily absorbed, it helps you get rid of gastric problems, and also reduces the burning sensation in the chest.

Ghee nutrition also includes anti-inflammatory properties. Ghee is helpful in maintaining good cholesterol (HDL) levels inside the body, which is great for your heart health.

These are just some of the many ghee benefits. Replace your cooking oils with good-quality ghee and you can see visible results within a few weeks. Just make sure you are taking it in a restricted way and maintaining an active lifestyle. Go for organic ghee to have all the benefits of ghee.