Suffering From Acne? Learn How Reducing Skin Oil Can Help

Author: Mayra Singh

When someone says they are suffering from acne, it is not difficult for us to imagine what it's like because, at some point of life, we all have suffered from it. This tells us how common acne is and how it can easily affect your life.

Being a skin infection, acne is difficult to get rid of as it develops deep under the skin. However, do you know how skin oil works as the catalyst to start the acne process? Skin oil, or in medical terms sebum, is a natural compound that our skin produces to keep it moist and resistant to external pollution. However, mostly around puberty, the production of skin oil increases exponentially. This happens because, during puberty, our immune system and glands develop. This can result in abnormalities and hyper working. So, when this happens, excessive oil is produced and covers the skin. Now, if you don't remove this excessive oil regularly, it gets mixed with the impurities and pollution and starts to settle down in the pores and hair follicles. Initially, this clogging is called blackheads that are not an infection but are the first signs of acne. Later a thin layer forms over the blackhead covering it into whiteheads, which is the first stage of infection. Around this, if you apply the necessary remedies or undergo some acne treatments Indore, then you can avoid severe acne. However, if not, then the infection will grow and spread. In this way, the skin oil helps in the occurring and development of acne.

How to Prevent it

The primary cause of acne is the internal changes we experience during puberty, so there no chance to do anything about that. However, during this time, you can start building a new and healthy regime that will include a balanced diet and workout. This will help in flushing the toxins out of the body and will help in controlling the immune system. Other things that you can do include skincare. Wash your face regularly, use gentle and proven products. Protect your skin from over exposure and visit a certified dermatologist if you see something suspicious.

What are the Treatments that can Help?

There are some effective cosmetic dermatology treatments Indore are available to treat acne and to reduce skin oil. Oily skin laser treatment is often used to clean the skin surface and to settle down the immune system. It is done with a non-invasion laser that sends heat into the skin. The microdermabrasion process uses a handheld pin roller that microscopically punctures the skin to trigger collagen production. Carbon peel treatment uses activated carbon to flush out oil and impurities from the skin and makes it fresh and healthy-looking.


You can go for any of these treatments to treat acne, but remember that you should get them done by a certified dermatologist. It will ensure that the treatment is done correctly, and there will be no side-effects or risk. So, before making any plans, visit a preferred dermatologist and get a consultation about your condition. Make sure to learn about the treatment and things you need to take care of after the treatment.