What is Hyperloop technology System?

Author: Mansoor Ahmed

What is Hyperloop?

Hyperloop is a new system of ground transport. This system is presently in development by a number of companies. It is a style of transportation that travels people and belongings at the speed of airline @ 1,000 KM / Hour nonetheless at prices like to bus travel tickets. Hyperloop has a strategy of nine European routes. It would travel at very high speed for example 20 minutes from Paris to London that is now takes 3 hours by train. The aim of the proposed plan is to revolutionize transportation in Europe. The planned routes are likely to connect 44 cities with a distance of 5,000 kilometers.

What varieties Hyperloop different?

Major differences between traditional rail and Hyperloop systems are;

  • The pods transport travelers over tubes and tunnels. Maximum of the air has been removed to decrease friction from that. This should let the pods to travel at up to 750 miles per hour.

  • The pods are intended to float on air skis slightly than using wheels like a train or car. This has been designed using the similar basic idea as an air hockey table.

Benefits of Hyperloop

  • Hyperloop might be inexpensive and faster than train or car travel

  • Cheaper and less polluting than air travel

  • Faster and low-priced to build than traditional high-speed rail

  • For use to take pressure off gridlocked roads

  • Creation travel between cities easier

  • Possibly solving key economic benefits

Companies Working for Hyperloops

There are different companies working to turn the idea into a functioning commercial system. Though the basic concept of Hyperloop technology has been around for many years but it is still in development. The trials of the technology are still in their early stages. Some important names of Hyperloop companies are;

  • Virgin Hyperloop One: Company was integrated in 2014. It has built a team of engineers, technicians, welders, and machinists comprising 280+. It was founded by Shervin Pishevar and Brogan BamBrogan.

  • Hyperloop Transportation Technologies: This is the first Hyperloop Company founded in 2013. It was created with a current workforce of more than 800 engineers and professionals situated around the world. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies is at the present opening the process of participating their full-scale passenger capsule for human trials in 2020.

  • TransPod?: This is a Canadian company. It is most popular in designing and manufacturing ultra-high-speed tube transportation technology and vehicles. TransPod raised a US$15 million seed round from Angelo Investments in November 2016. TransPod is developing international routes.

  • DGWHyperloop?: DGWHyperloop was established in 2015. This is a subsidiary of Dinclix GroundWorks. DGWHyperloop's initial suggestions consist of a Hyperloop-based corridor between Delhi and Mumbai called the Delhi Mumbai Hyperloop Corridor (DMHC).The Company has joined with many government agencies, private companies, and institutions for its research on Hyperloop. This is the single Indian company working on realizing the Hyperloop system across the nation.

  • Arrivo: This was technology architecture & engineering Company. It was started in Los Angeles in 2016. It revealed a plan to build a 200 mph link for automobiles to Denver International Airport using maglev train technology by 2021.

  • Hardt Global Mobility?: This was founded in 2016 in Delft. The Dutch team is creating a full-scale testing center for hyperloop technology. For the first rounds of testing, Hardt has gained over €600,000 in funding with plans to rise more to build a high-speed test line.

Hyperloop services

There is yet not clarity that where Hyperloops would really be established. However, a number of companies have drawn out routes in the Europe, US, and away. Possible routes comprise New York to Washington DC, Kansas City to St Louis, Pune to Mumbai, Bratislava to Brno, and various more.

How does a Hyperloop tube work?

Fundamental concept and idea behind Hyperloop is created by Elon Musk in 2012 that the passenger pods or capsules travel through a tube. It would travel either above or below ground. Most of the air is removed from the tubes by pumps to reduce friction. The main use of energy in high speed travel is to overcome air resistance. It is one of Airliners hike to high altitudes to travel through less dense air. This is in order to make a similar effect at ground level. Hyperloop encircles the capsules in a reduced-pressure tube. That is successfully letting the trains to travel at airplane speeds while still on the ground.

The pressure of the air inner side of the Hyperloop tube is about one-sixth, the pressure of the atmosphere on Mars in Musk's model. This means an operating pressure of 100 Pascal’s that reduce the drag force of the air by 1,000 times relative to sea level conditions, and would be equivalent to flying above 150,000 feet.