Best Hospital For Open Heart Surgery in Mumbai, India - Asian Heart Institute

Author: Heena Khan

At Asian Heart Institute we offer the full range of cardiology services, from early disease detection to complex interventions. Our diagnostic services include ECG, Stress Testing, 2-Dimensional Echocardiography, Stress Echocardiography, Holter Testing, and CT Coronary Angiography.

The Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, where angiographies, angioplasties, pacemakers, device implants etc. are performed, is a state-of-the-art, first fully digital panel Cath Lab in Mumbai. The flat panel technology replaces the image intensifier technology, which has been in use for many years.

The flat panel technology incorporates solid-state digital detector to reliably provide consistently high imaging performance through the full range of cardiac procedures. This is a fully integrated imaging system that meets all clinical needs for interventional and diagnostic cardiac angiography with advanced image quality, innovative dose management and ease of positioning. The flat panel technology promises the highest level of clarity of the angiogram without any loss of detail. This will be helpful in complex angioplasty procedures where minor details and better image quality are critical for achieving results.

Asian Heart Institute (AHI) has set a benchmark in cardiac care in the country & our results are the best India and one of the best in the world. Our world class surgical team has performed over 24,000 cardiac surgeries with an average mortality of 0.7%. Our mortality for isolated bypass surgery is 0.27% which is one of the best in the world. More importantly, close to 99.6% of patients undergoing bypass surgeries at AHI receive arterial grafts, the preferred technique to give better long term results.Ours is the only hospital in the world to do so. Apart from Coronary Artery Surgery, we conduct the following operations on a routine basis

We have performed 1,000 redo bypass surgeries with an overall success rate of 98% in the last 5 years and with a success rate of 99.5% in 2015. Because of our world-class results, our team was selected to do a complex Bypass surgery on the then Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh.

India has the dubious distinction of being the heart disease and diabetes capital of the world. Heart disease is the leading cause of death, and what's worse is that it strikes Indians, during the prime years of their life. Heart disease can be a life changing event, and many patients never fully recover from the blow and end up being 'cardiac cripples'. It starts with a lack of mental confidence leading to a drop in physical capability, which further reduces the confidence and the vicious cycle continues. The good news is that heart disease is a largely preventable disease. If appropriate lifestyle measures and medication are undertaken early enough, you those at riskmay never need to undergo a cardiac interventional procedure like heart surgery (bypass surgery) or angioplasty.

At the Preventive Cardiology and Rehabilitation Department at Asian Heart Institute, we have a tailor made program to suit all categories:

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation program: For those who have already suffered a cardiac (heart) event, such as a heart attack, bypass surgery, or angioplasty.
  • Secondary prevention program: For those who have been detected with heart diseases on routine tests, and want to avoid an interventional procedure such as bypass surgery or angioplasty.
  • Prevention program: For those who are at risk for heart disease, and want to avoid suffering, example those with a high BP, or cholesterol, or diabetes or a family history of heart disease.