Is a Marketing Internship Right For You?

Author: Samuel Joseph

Marketing has evolved a lot and today there are many ways in which a business can promote itself. It has moved from its traditional marketing role to become a part of a wider network of players in the global marketplace. Today, the internet is a very powerful marketing channel which allows people to market on their terms. This article discusses different marketing options that are available for businesses.

Online marketing is the process of leveraging various web-based channels to bring about an intended message to its targeted audience. The various channels used in online marketing consist of email marketing, social media marketing, pay per click advertising, search engine marketing, and viral marketing. Email marketing can be defined as sending relevant email messages to targeted customers in predetermined intervals. These messages may include advertisement of products or services, sales promos, free gifts or rewards, etc. Emails need to be sent with a subject line that matches the purpose of sending the emails.

Social media marketing is done via the web, websites, and mobile apps. It is defined by the ratio of total incoming links to outgoing links in social media sites. The purpose of this form of online marketing is to generate traffic to a website through social media channels. Social media metrics provides details about the top social sharing websites and the most popular social networking app in usage across various geographies. Google Analytics is one of the best analytics tools for online marketing.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital component of online marketing. It helps you to achieve higher ranking in major search engines for your target keywords by optimizing your website. An efficient SEO strategy enhances your website's user experience and brings higher conversions. This form of online marketing is done through content writing, keyword research, link building, and social media marketing.

Digital marketing encompasses pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, digital advertising, e-mail marketing, and mobile marketing. It is the latest form of marketing, which is the cheapest. Digital marketing can be done through digital and Internet marketing. Digital online marketing can be done through search engine optimization (SEO), digital ads, banner advertising, viral marketing, text message marketing, and web banners. In digital marketing, your product and brand remain consistent through various mediums

You can choose to work with a digital agency or work on your own. There are many digital agencies offering their services for competitive rates. If you want to go for the job yourself, you should understand the basic concepts of digital marketing job. First, you need to have a clear understanding of what your customers want to buy. You should also have the ability to create visual copies or impressions to make them more personalized.

On the other hand, SEO professionals handle everything that is related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO experts not only create listings in Search engines but also improve the websites SERP (Search Engine Result Page). They create PPC ads using targeted keywords and write articles to drive more traffic to their clients' sites. Most SEO pros are paid by the client for their efforts and work on a per-need basis. The client can also ask for a side project evaluation from SEO experts.

Marketers sometimes find it difficult to break into the world of digital marketing. There are many training courses and workshops that offer digital training and certifications. However, most of these trainings and workshops do not provide real-life experiences to marketers working in the field. Those who wish to work in digital marketing should make sure they have done a great job with their previous employers, work experience in the industry, and a track record of accomplishments. With this knowledge, they will be able to find a right career that suits them best. offers a broad range of advertising and marketing services targeted towards small business owners and individuals.