Benefits and Features Of Online Food Delivery App

Author: Codestore Technologies


The online food delivery industry is upgrading at a rapid pace. As a restaurant owner, one has to increase the online presence of his/her restaurant. This helps in making the restaurant visible to a larger audience on different platforms.

For over a decade, ordering online has been one of the leading reasons to take your restaurant business online. In more recent years, the use of smartphones is growing and restaurant owners are also switching their business online.

There are many benefits of switching your business online. In this blog, we will discuss the advantages and some must-have features of an online restaurant booking application. But before that, let’s see some stats related to online restaurant applications.

  • According to stats, in 2015 they estimate the total revenue generated by food ordering apps for restaurants to be $160 million.

  • According to Olo online and in-app ordering has helped restaurants of all sizes by 25%.

  • 69% of customers prefer to order food online via a mobile application.

  • 40% of the restaurant business owners are switching their business online by developing a mobile app.

The math is simple: whether you are a 15 table family restaurant or a multi-branded restaurant chain, if you don’t have a dedicated mobile app, then you are missing out on at least a 20% increase in your sale.

A customer dedicated mobile app not only helps you in improving your business sales but also lets you manage your restaurant side management of servers, food ordering system, payroll management, and many more.

As we have discussed why it is important to develop a mobile application for your restaurant business, now let’s have a look at some benefits of the same.

Online Table Reservation:-

There are many online restaurant applications that connect a particular customer with the nearest restaurant and allow them to book a table. Various restaurants provide this service to their customers.

This helps in reducing the congestion in front of your restaurant, as the customers can check the availability of tables via mobile app. The restaurant owners can also manage the customer’s details and can update them regarding their special offers and discounts.

Digital Menu Card:-

With the help of an online menu card, customers can choose their desired food by surfing various restaurants with just a few clicks. They can also place their order online with no hassle.

Improved Online Presence:-

It is most obvious that if you are switching your business online, then you have to work on improving the online presence of the same. The more you improve your online presence, the greater is the chance of getting more customers. With an improved online presence, the restaurant owners can efficiently interact with customers.

Online Reviews and Ratings:-

Maintaining excellent reviews and ratings of your online food delivery application helps the restaurant owners in attracting more customers. If the restaurant owners provide excellent services, then the customers will automatically give positive feedback for your services.

With all these benefits, online food delivery apps are booming in the on-demand app development industry. The trend of developing mobile apps has helped the restaurant business owners in improving their business ROI and has also enabled them to serve their customers beyond the limit.

There are hundreds of online food delivery apps, they all differ from each other in terms of functionality and features. But do you know there are some must-have features for an online food delivery app? CodeStore Technologies develops an online food delivery app by integrating those features. Let's know about every feature in detail.

Some Must-Have Features of Online Food Delivery App:-

Push Notifications:-

Push notifications are double-edged swords they can make or break your app. Smart and careful management of push notifications is very important. With the help of push notifications, the restaurant owners can do branding and advertising of their business. With proper management of push notifications, your mobile app can grow substantially.

In-app Ordering and Payment Integration:-

According to stats, customers who order online food from a restaurant visit the same restaurant 67% more often than those who don’t. 26% of customers use an online food delivery app to ease the process of payment. Nowadays most restaurants have started integrating QR scanner codes for instant payment options.

So both in-app ordering and in-app payment integration help restaurant owners in increasing their business ROI.

Chatbot Integration:-

Chatbot integration is an online food delivery app that is something new, and the restaurant owners are embracing it with both hands. With the use of Artificial Intelligence, it improves Chatbots. Now they are not just used to answer simple questions, they have taken personalization to another level.

Rewards and discount programs:-

The cost of attracting a new customer is 5 times more expensive than retaining one. This simply means that loyalty is cheaper than creating brand awareness.

Therefore, most of the big brands focus on improving their loyalty programs.

Table Reservation:-

Your restaurant may be small but may be popular enough that your customers find it difficult to walk-in or you are a restaurant chain that only accommodates prior reservations but no walk-ins. Whatever might be the situation your restaurant booking application must have table reservation features. This helps in customer satisfaction as the customers don’t have to wait for a longer time.

Staff Management:-

This is one of the most important features of an online restaurant application. With the help of this, the owner of the restaurant can track the performance of the employees. One can make changes according to the performance of their employees and can improve the productivity of the restaurant.

Kitchen Management:-

With the help of this feature, a chef can channelize their effort in such a way that it produces maximum results with a minimum effort. This also helps them in preparing the order more sequentially.

Final Words:-

Whether you are a restaurant owner looking to improve sales and customer retention or you are an entrepreneur who is planning to invest in the next venture of online restaurant booking or food delivery app - the above features are a must include in your app.

If you are planning to develop an online food delivery app or an online restaurant booking app, then don’t worry CodeStore Technologies is there for you. Just share your idea with us and our experienced developers will frame the idea into the best mobile and web apps. We have developed some of the best on-demand applications for our clients.

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