What Is Apple Hookah Shisha Tobacco Taste?

Author: Julia Zoe

The most common style of tobacco smoking for a hookah (Shisha, Water-pipe) is called hookah shisha molasses. This type of tobacco is a sticky mixture of tobacco, honey or molasses, and other flavorings. Shisha is available in many flavors such as bubble gum, peanut butter, mango, grape, and mint. In the market, you can find hydro herbal as well, hydro herbal shisha molasses is the industry leader in nicotine-free, tobacco-free hookah smoke. Hydro products offer a wide range of flavors found with traditional shisha brands, but they use an herbal shisha alternative to tobacco.

1- Tobacco:

The tobacco is often washed several times, so it does not have such a strong flavor or smell as cigarette or pipe tobacco. Nicotine is water-soluble. Thus, washed shisha tobacco is prepared simply by soaking and rinsing the tobacco leaf in cold water. This reduces the level of nicotine and earthy tobacco flavor.

2- Honey or Molasses:

The word molasses means "honeyed" and is the key difference between other styles of tobacco. The molasses sweetens the smoke and helps prevent the tobacco from incinerating.

3- Glycerin:

The glycerin is a relatively new addition to hookah tobacco. The glycerin also helps prevent the tobacco from burning as well as adding to the smoke volume. Shisha tobacco without glycerin does not make as thick of smoke.

4- Flavoring:

Sometimes the flavoring is natural but more frequently these days the flavor is artificial. The most popular two flavors around the world are Double Apple, Mint, grape, strawberry, lemon, lime, blueberry, orange, vanilla and others.

Apple hookah tobacco is a unique taste in smoking. It is a superior blend of top quality and the most popular hookah flavored tobacco around the world. Apple tobacco brings to the hookah smoker the smoothness of fine tobaccos, the crisp taste of fresh apples and the refreshing aroma of both. Apples and tobacco are an amazing natural combination for shisha fans. You can use it plain or mix it up with different flavors to dream up.

In the United State, a regular website can sell hookah (shish- Waterpipe) tobacco if they have a state license for selling online tobacco products. After place an order just for the first time they need to do the age verification process. There is no age verification for the next order.

Most of the time is easier to buy online because in some cities smoke shops are far and take time to get there. Shopping online always is a faster and easier way for united stated residence.

Tick Tock’s journey began when the need arose for sensational flavors that are not affected by the passage of time or changes in fashion.

With more than 45 years of experience in Tobacco Technologies, our passion towards sensational Hookah moments grew and developed into an innovative approach; one which brings you flavor combinations that will charm your senses. We believe that premium quality, excellent consistency, and sophisticated creativity will magically keep you coming back for more.