Storage Tips You Must Know to Preserve Grocery Items

Author: Mehmal Hayat

As per a recent study, the normal family throws out almost 20 percent of the food items they purchase. For an average family, that accounts for more than 1500 dollars worth of food items every 12 months. Fortunately, we can decrease the wastage of food to a great extent simply by using a couple of easy food preservation tips. When the grocery items are stored appropriately, they do not decay rapidly.

Thus, we get more time to consume those food items in different ways. We can also overcome our food wastage by using refrigerated frozen storage for proper storage of grocery items. Moreover, here a few useful tips for you to know to properly preserve grocery items:

Check the Temperature of Your Refrigerator

Check the temperature of your refrigerator and try to keep it in between 38 - 40° F. This is sufficiently cold to preserve your foods and keep them fresh without freezing. Moreover, don’t just rely on guessing the temperature by yourself. Try to use a thermometer for your refrigerator to keep an eye on its temperature.

Check the Dates of Grocery Items When Buying

Try to check the expiry dates on the food items before buying. There is no issue in buying food items that are going to expire soon. However, you must ensure that you have a plan to eat those items within a few days. As a result, they will be used without any food wastage.

Tips for Veggies and Fruits
  • Control of Moisture

The food drawers in your refrigerator must be lined with paper towels. Those towels will assist in absorbing extra dampness and keep the food items fresh. Thus, the food items will not decay rapidly and you can use them for longer.

  • Crunchy Vegetables

To keep carrots, radishes, and celery fresh, cut them into smaller pieces, put them into a water container, and store them in the refrigerator. In this way, they will remain fresh for a shockingly increased timespan.

  • Apples

It is suggested to keep apples away from other food items. The reason is that they emit ethylene gas. This gas can cause the rapid decay of other food items placed near apples.

Tips for Fish, Eggs, and Meat
  • Fish

You must keep the fresh fish in a bag over a bowl of ice while putting it in the refrigerator. Try to consume it within 24 hours. Besides, freeze it to keep it fresh for long period.

  • Eggs

To store eggs for longer, keep them in their original packing. To check the freshness of your eggs, place them one by one in some water. Fresh eggs will sink; however, the old ones will float.

  • Poultry and Meat

Poultry and meat must be stored within their original packing in case you will consume them in one or two days. Otherwise, the best way to preserve them is to wrap them in tin foil or airtight bags. Subsequently, keep them in the freezer. To preserve smoked ham, bacon, and so forth, pack them inside a vinegar-soaked piece of cloth and cover them with wax paper. Then put into the freezer.

Tips for Storing Bread and Pantry Items
  • Bread

It is recommended not to store fresh bread in the refrigerator because the moist atmosphere will make it stale quickly. For the best outcomes, always keep your bread outside on the kitchen countertop in an airtight container or bag.

  • Flour

Any insects present in the flour will be easily killed if you freeze it for almost two days. Subsequently, move it to an airtight container. Then keep this container in a cool as well as a dark place.