Why content is important

Author: Nandeesh B Y

Before understanding the importance of content we need to understand what is content?

What is content?

Content is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract retain a clearly defined audience.

  • Content is the process of combaind and collecting the detailed information with the specific targeted audience.
  • Giving high quality content is one of the best way to attract the client.
  • Content is not only helpful to satisifying the client if your content is very good then automatically the maximum people are connected with your content.

Types of content

  • Bloging : a blog is the process of writing detail information about the process and published on the worldwide.

Ex: Cooking, travelling,

  • Long form content : long form content is one of the type of content which provide wide range of information on a given topic.
  • Case studies : case studies is one of the type of content it deals with in depth investigation on the particular topic, person, or event.
  • White paper content : a white paper content is one of the type of content in which in the paper content they are going to in depth report or guide about a particular topic or person.
  • Infographic content : Infography is the collection of images charts, and minimal text that gives easy to understand overview of the topic.
  • Video : video content is very good in market because the content is in the form of visual so the people can understand very easily.

Why content is so important

  • Content is very important in each and every platform to connect with the people
  • Good content will educates the people or audience or customers makes them to interest in our services or products that will be converts into purchasing decision.
  • In content we can describe each and every points in depth and we can easily educate the audience by good content.

According to surview adults are spending 7.5 hours a week for reading and watching online content there is no doubt a good content have higher demand in the market, in content only we are going to the detail information about my products, services, and benefits and what the quality of my products from detailed information to the customers or audience will be educated and converts into purchase our products or services so content plays a important role for each and every business.

In content we need engagement, engagement is make the people to read my content, easy to and makes the to interesting on our content

Here in content we are going to tell a story in the form of writing which makes audience to imagination about our products, so good content is very important.

Advantages and dis advantages of content

  • In content we can build brand awareness trust with the audience.
  • We can reach audience who avoiding the ads.
  • Low cost
  • Increase traffic and conversion
  • Higher visibility in search engines
  • More referral traffic
  • Improve brand reputation

Dis advantages of content

Skill and need research

The benefits are not immediate

Finding content idea is quit difficult

How to create quality content

  • Keyword research
  • Use social media to promote
  • Get to know about audience requirement
  • Check out with competitor
  • Put proper title and description
  • conclusion