How Multi Touch Interface Software Can Be Used In An Industrial Setting

Author: Geoffrey Bessin

There is no questioning the benefits of technology in commercial as well as in industrial settings. With industrial and manufacturing automation becoming a well-adopted trend, many companies now allow employees and workers to use their own personal mobile devices or issue workers these benefits for work purposes. Smart phones, tablets, and similar types of mobile machines are now utilized to access corporate data, check emails, and track work schedules and other operational details. In addition to this, multi-touch technology is also making waves in the automation world by way of HMI or human machine interface applications. Here are other key advantages of using multi-touch interface software in industrial settings:

  • In the technical sense, multi-touch systems offer huge benefits over traditional touch screens in that they are almost 3 times faster and are capable of remote access and functionality. They also reduce the cost and the time needed for training as they can be operated in the same manner as conventional tablets and smart phones, yet they are better suited for hazardous and harsh environments, thanks to their less-delicate and sturdier design.

  • Multi-touch interface software also allows lower implementation costs. Companies can invest in this kind of software package and then integrate it with their existing system. The best software programs are device-ready and can be used in a wide range of platforms—which means that companies can get maximum benefits without investing in new hardware or equipment. Training costs are also lower, as users are most likely familiar with how these kinds of systems work since these programs are designed to be as user-friendly as possible.

  • Multi-touch programs are also designed and suited for various industrial conditions. Since they lack moving parts, they are inherently better suited for field use compared with older devices that require keyboards, pointers, and other input units that can be subject to all kinds of contamination from water, dust, and other elements they are exposed to. These moving parts are also prone to getting lost and damaged when used out in the field.

  • Multi-touch technology also allows users the ability to visualize and in turn diagnose machines and processes for problems. They offer better visualized control and the ability to drill through screens in order to instantly have an enlarged view of areas (such as in engineering and design applications) that may need adjustments.

Browse the net to find more information on advantages and application of multi touch interface software in industrial sector.

About the Author

This article is written by David Kyalo a successful technical writer. He is interested in and fascinated by technical topics. He write unique articles on touch screen technology and specialized in finding practical touch screen software solutions.